Mike Chambers writes:

On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 21:37 +0800, Steve Underwood wrote:

Its true that the 64 bit build of some apps can be slower than the 32 bit builds. However, its rarely more than a few percent. Hardly noticeable, really. On the other hand, many compute intensive applications that can make good use of the improvements in the 64 bit instruction set really fly in a 64 bit build, compared to a 32 bit build.

The memory footprint of 64 bit builds can be larger, but its not usually by much.

Overall, if your pentium/athlon machine can run a 64 bit system its hard to imagine a sane reason for not doing so. The few things you must still run 32 bit, like firefox + flash, run just as well on a 64 bit system as on a 32 bit one.

Disagree here, as Firefox + flash (both 64bit) run just fine as is and
don't need 32bit.

For starters, Adobe discontinued 64bit Linux flash support, supposedly for now. As far as anyone can tell, the last released 64bit flash plugin is still vulnerable to the most recently publicized security hole.

Furthermore, the 64bit flash plugin will not work on all 64 bit CPUs. It does not on mine, when I tried it. As far as I was able to determine, it compiles flash code down to native machine code, and the flash compiler emits machine instructions that are not implemented on my older 64 bit Opteron CPU.

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