On 06/18/2010 03:21 PM, Łukasz Jagiełło wrote:
> 2010/6/18 Sam Varshavchik<mr...@courier-mta.com>:
>> Minor differences are that 64 bit applications are slightly faster, and 64
>> bit lets you use more RAM.
> Not always it's faster, everything depend of application one will be
> faster one will be slower.
Its true that the 64 bit build of some apps can be slower than the 32 
bit builds. However, its rarely more than a few percent. Hardly 
noticeable, really. On the other hand, many compute intensive 
applications that can make good use of the improvements in the 64 bit 
instruction set really fly in a 64 bit build, compared to a 32 bit build.

The memory footprint of 64 bit builds can be larger, but its not usually 
by much.

Overall, if your pentium/athlon machine can run a 64 bit system its hard 
to imagine a sane reason for not doing so. The few things you must still 
run 32 bit, like firefox + flash, run just as well on a 64 bit system as 
on a 32 bit one.


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