On Sun, 17 Dec 2017 08:31:05 -0500
Temlakos <temla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Let me see if I understand the result:
> I need to set up links to:
> 1. All folders that I want to hold on the data drive, including 
> configuration files that I want to preserve from one iteration to the 
> next--like .thunderbird, .firefox, .chrome, .adobe, and so on. These 
> would be the top-level folders, the ones in the home directory, and
> not the subfolders.

Are you pulling my leg?  If you want to preserve the old home, you
create a directory called old_home on the new mount point and rsync the
current home directory to it.  If you don't want to cd to it, if you'll
be using it frequently, you can create a link.  Links are only for
things you use all the time, so you have a shortcut to them.

> 2. Any file that, for whatever reason, is sitting in my home
> directory and that I haven't made up my mind to place into a folder,
> like Downloads or Pictures or Documents--whatever. (This might
> include password files, if I can get the old Password Manager program 
> reinstalled. I have an rpm for that, but I don't know whether that
> would install or not.)
> And I must do that for every user account.
> And when I do that, any folder that I create on the "data disk," the 
> system will find by starting from /home/[user-ident].
> At least, I don't /think/ you're recommending setting up symlinks to 
> every single file and subfolder in a user's account! Someone (Fred 
> Roller, I think) said the process needs to be invisible to the user.
> Question: would you preserve /all/ hidden application configuration 
> files on the separate drive? Or do some things deserve to reside on
> the system drive and get overwritten with every clean install?

Personally, I don't do what you are trying to do.  I use alternate
partitions, and install alternately so I always have a working system
(the previous one). For me, the old home files are in the last
incarnation for reference if I need them.  And using a data drive lets
me access my critical data from both working systems.  

I'm not trying to convince you of anything.  If you don't want to do
this, if it doesn't work for your use case, don't do it.  It won't
hurt my feelings.
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