On 12/16/2017 03:25 PM, Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 01:06:16PM -0500, Temlakos wrote:
On 12/16/2017 10:13 AM, fred roller wrote:
| I now ask the community for some suggestions.

I have done this type of set up on my systems before so what its worth I
will share how I installed and where applicable, why.

| First, for partitioning:
| 1. Should I even try to accept /automatic/ partitioning when the
installer gets to that point?
No. In custom choose the 120 GB drive and auto choices may be fine but
mine was to mount /boot, /swap, /tmp, and /.  For reasons related to HDD
and rpm's that was the order; for SDD not so much. The second drive I
mounted on /Crypt [or some other name you want].
What do you recommend as the sizes of partitions /boot and /tmp? Obviously
"/" will take up "all the rest." /swap will take up 16 GB. I used 50 GB for
/boot. But I never broke out /tmp as a separate partition.
overkill.  I've seen mny recommend 1GB for /boot.  I usually do 2-4GB.
Just looked at 3 systems, highest /boot usage was < 350MB.

If no separate /tmp, it can autofs to 50% of swap.

You can have swap on multiple drives.  Thus either greater total
swap or more space on 120 drive for / or /tmp.

lost+found should be empty.  It is used by fsck program
to reattach orphaned files it finds (files with an allocated
inode and data blocks but no directory entry).  If found
fsck attaches them in l+f named "#<inode number>".  Root
can then examine them and move or remove.  l+f is created
as part of file system formatting.

I just had a chance to review my partitions--after a fashion--using Dolphin (the KDE file manager). That review indicates I was using a 500 MB (or at the most 500 MiB) boot partition. The 50 GB was the part I reserved for the root partition (/). That left more than 872 GB for /home after accounting for /swap and / and /boot. My system automatically keeps only three kernel versions and a rescue kernel.

Interestingly, Dolphin shows me two apparent boot partitions. One of them is current--it shows the currently installed kernels. The other is clearly obsolete--goes back to F20. Maybe this is a sign that I need a clean install anyway.

Still trying to figure out how to store user data at a mount point different from classic /home.

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