On Mon, 2016-02-08 at 16:14 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
> How are you creating the USB stick? How does it fail? The description
> "it fails" isn't helpful because it doesn't tell us what does happen.
> There's no way to know from this description whether it fails to find
> the bootloader (or which one, there's more than one possible).

Thanks for writing.

The failure is described in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id

I generate the USB stick using 

sudo ./livecd-iso-to-disk --efi --reset-mbr --format
10.iso'  /dev/sdb

The system freezes after showing a boot menu. It does indeed look like
the UEFI boot menu is different to the non-UEFI menu, at least because
the boot screen font looks like in a type of graphics mode (UEFI boot
menu) instead of text mode (non-UEFI boot menu).

Josh Boyer offers to pursue this in rawhide/Fedora 24 images. I wonder
if it is worthwhile.


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