On 02/06/2016 02:33 AM, R Mercado wrote:
> Thanks for taking the trouble.

No trouble, just had to add 2 symlinks to my main page.

> I found the images at https://torrents.fedoraproject.org/ too.

I stopped seeding those files shortly after they were obsoleted, but I
keep all of my images.

> I can't get any image to boot of the USB disk and ran out of blank DVDs
> to try burning and booting from a DVD. I still have blank 700 MB CDs
> and very few images are small enough.
> My intention was to do a clean install, but I am considering an upgrade
> now.

FedoraProject has a nice page on doing yum/dnf upgrades.  IIRC, its the
21->21 upgrade where you have to choose a "product name" if you use
fedup.  There was also a fedora-upgrade that you could use.  Read the
docs very carefully.  If you choose the yum/dnf route, and your source
system is old enough, there is always stuff you will need to do by hand
(detailed in the pages).

Good Luck with that!  I've spent many an hour fixing my home server by
hand because "something" happened during the upgrade that caused me to
have to run the transactions by hand, which can be a pain with 2-3
thousand packages installed.  Luckily, I learn more about packages and
dependencies every time I do it.  Right now, my home server is stuck at
FC20+, waiting for me to bring it up to 21, and then 22.  I just have to
find the right time when I can afford to be offline for a couple of days
(just in case!), and that time is not now.

> RM

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://www.linuxcounter.net/)
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