Just reading this now (sorry).

I'm adding the following:


should be links to the images.  I got my images via BitTorrent so each
directory should contain both an ISO file and a CHECKSUM file

Let me know if you have any problems.

On 02/02/16 19:09, R Mercado wrote:
>> I have copies of both the Fedora-Live-Desktop for F20 if you need it,
>> they're each just shy of 1GB.  I can make them available at the drop
>> of
>> a hat.
> Hi Kevin,
> I now intend to use the link at work (tomorrow) to grab FC21 faster. If
> not too difficult, please do make available the FC20 installation
> media. Thanks for offering!
> Regards,
> RM

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://www.linuxcounter.net/)
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