On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 09:28 +1000, Roger wrote:
> "sudo updatedb" puts everything in the database

Puts /almost/ everything...

> "locate" finds anything in the updatedb database
> If it's not in the database then it's not on the computer and that 
> includes any mounted periferals, like usb, cdrom, other hard drives

Some paths are not indexed, so you will never find anything in them when
using the locate command.  This is a /good/ thing, as some paths
shouldn't be probed in that manner, or may be a problem at /some/ times.

You can change this behaviour by editing the /etc/updatedb.conf file,
and add more paths, or prune more paths.  So you can add removable
drives to the indexing, or exclude them without having to demount them.

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