On 05/03/2010 04:16 AM, terry wrote:
> notice there is  look in /etc/etc/etc/.....  or usr/root/where is it  or
> some such file.  Is there a list that describes where all of this
> knowledge is located to alleviate problems. Unless all distributions are
> identical, 'get a good book on Linux' will not suffice.

there used to be an app called tree, I think which layed out the system 
and user files in a tree format, I found it helpful many years ago.
I've never found it difficult to find things in linux, be it Fedora or 
Ubuntu. Strange at first, yes! but not difficult.
sudo is my friend.
"sudo updatedb" puts everything in the database
"locate" finds anything in the updatedb database
You can use "man sudo" or "man locate" for more details without the 
quote marks.
"man", short for manual is a good resource.
If it's not in the database then it's not on the computer and that 
includes any mounted periferals, like usb, cdrom, other hard drives.
I usually unmount these before updatedb.
I haven't found significant differences in where things are placed in 
either Fedora and Ubuntu but there are probably some.
My exploration was mainly /etc, /var, /sbin, /user/sbin, /usr/bin /dev 
and others and I did explore /boot.
I never needed to explore /root

ls -aFl is also my friend.
  for instance ls -aFl /etc or ls -aFl /var
Hope this helps
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