On 10-03-03 15:52:23, Andre Robatino wrote:
> Tony Nelson wrote:
> > This is completely incorrect.  The data on affected CDs and DVDs is
> > always longer than the data written.  You should be able to figure
> > out for yourself why you must be wrong, and any experiments will
> > prove it to you.  The "readahead bug" causes extra data to be
> > returned after the end of the intentionally written data.  That 
> > data is the leadout added either by the writer software or the DVD 
> > writer itself.
> I have a pile of old CDs, burned without zero padding years ago, 
> which disagree with you.  For example, see
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=186512

Sorry, not relevent, and you misunderstand the issue.  If you want to 
claim your CDs show otherwise, bring proof /from those CDs/ to the 

> The effect of the readahead bug is to prevent the last few dozen KB 
> of the ISO from being read.  I've done plenty of experiments.

You are confused.  The read is not prevented, it only returns less data 
than requested.  Some badly written programs cannot deal with that.  
Checksumming can't deal with any of the extra data (it will compute the 
checksum on the extra data as well).  Reading the entire CD / DVD and 
trimming it to the right size will work, provided you use software that 
can accept a short read[1].

[1] <http://www.city-fan.org/tips/IsoImageFromMedia>

TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynel...@georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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