On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 23:31:08 -0800
Don Quixote de la Mancha <quix...@dulcineatech.com> wrote:

> The Chicken and Egg Problem for checksums was solved for the IP header
> checksum, and the TCP payload checksum back during the 1970s.
> When calculating the checksum, set the checksum field itself to zero.
> When verifying the checksum, skip over the value that is actually
> present.  Perform the calculation as if it was actually set to zero.

The IP checksum isn't very strong. It's arguably fine for general purpose
data in small blocks but not for a DVD image

> CD and DVD images could do the same thing.
> It would be enough to append a single 32-bit CRC just to ensure that
> your download wasn't corrupted, or that you had a good burn, but if
> you wanted to make sure that the Russian Mafia hadn't patched your
> kernel, you could add one entire 2048-byte sector to your image, and
> fill it all up with one big cryptographic hash.

That only works if you know an existing shared secret.

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