Tony Nelson wrote:

> Reading will never return more than the requested number of bytes.
> It may read past the desired end of a CD or DVD.  With that in mind,
> read what I wrote above.  If you don't understand it, ask a question.

I'm not sure what you mean by "requested number of bytes", since your
command doesn't request a specific number, but relies on the OS to
detect the correct size of both files (which in the case of /dev/dvd is
unreliable).  Your description of the possible outputs of the cmp
command seems to imply that the readahead bug would cause /dev/dvd to be
seen as bigger than it actually is, which is the opposite of what
actually happens - there would be read errors on /dev/dvd _before_
reaching the true end of the image (making it impossible to read off the
full ISO, even assuming its exact size is known).

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