On Tue, Mar 02, 2010 at 16:36:57 -0800,
  Don Quixote de la Mancha <quix...@dulcineatech.com> wrote:
> If any of these tests fail, don't wait another minute!  Back up your
> drive *completely* and replace it.  Your data is worth far, far more
> than any amount of money that you paid for your laptop.  A brand-new
> 2.5" SATA drive that is a lot bigger than your current drive will only
> set you back a hundred bucks.

That depends on whether you time or money are more valuable. Certainly
for a business the above is a reasonable strategy. For a hobbiest, continuing
to use a drive after it has a few reallocated sectors may be a very reasonable
course of action.

You should of course, be backing up all critical data whether or not your
disk drive has any problems, since many things can make the data on it
unavailable without prior notice.
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