Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 March 2010, Mike McCarty wrote:


>> So, I'm still living with an apparently good disc which is unexplainably
>> slow.
> Modern big disks are apparently formatted for 4096 byte blocks while the 
> linux view of a disk is still done with 512 byte blocks.  We are being told 
> that if the partitions are not aligned to these 4096 byte fence posts, the 
> drive will be slow because of the on the fly translations.  As to the 
> veracity of that claim, I have NDI.

The disc has been in use for a couple of years, with no problem
until the last few months.


>> OTOH, I have a recent full backup of all my data.
> You should invest in another 1Tb disk, set that up so amanda can use v-tapes 
> on that big disk, setup amanda to run every night via an entry in the amanda 
> crontab.  End of worries and 100% automatic.

That's possibly good advice, but not a backup solution. One need
off site storage, IMO. I want my data safe, even if my house burns
or I get a flood, etc.

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