On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 11:02:41 +1100,
  L <yuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> The hard disk on a laptop shows failing error "Disk had many bad
> sectors' it suggests 'backup data and replace disk. Of course, this
> test information was generated by Palimpsest Disk Utility on F12.
> However, when I used self-test utility from BIOS (HP 6710), it passed
> all tests.
> Which result is reliable, one from Palimpsest Dish Utility or BIOS
> self-test utiltity?
> if this disk is failing, how can I check what section or partition
> where errors reside?

You probably want to use smartmontools to get a more detailed status of
the drive. If there are sectors that need to be reallocated, you can
find them one at a time using the long self test. The hard part is figuring
out what file the block is in. If you are running raid 1, you can copy
over the block from the other drive. Otherwise things depend on the file
systems and block devices involved.
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