On 02/26/2010 09:31 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> John Aldrich wrote:
>> I would suggest that anyone who has problems after an upgrade like this
>> should try renaming ~local/share/akonadi and try again. It might also have
>> had something to do with mysqld. I don't know if it was already running or
>> not, but I manually started the service before renaming the folder. I know
>> it wasn't mysqld alone as I had already tried it since manually starting
>> the service.
> It's irrelevant, Akonadi doesn't by default use a systemwide MySQL instance 
> at all, it spawns its own, per user one.
>         Kevin Kofler

   On the last remaining computer I am aware of/maintain with kmail
still being used - akonadi was running, mysqld was running, and
nepemonkey was running all with user privs - nothing I tried could
resurrect kmail to a working state - I googled, read fedora threads etc.

   It was being used under gnome - if that matters.

   The only way I found was to killall kontact; thunderbird &

   As an aside, I found a long time ago that it was important to be mail
client indifferent - they way I do that is to have a local imap server
running and always use that for any local mail store instead of the mail
clients native store - that way I only need to export/import the current
contact list - and start a new client initiate 2 accounts, 1 to the ISP
and one to the local imap server and we're 100% back in business.

  Hope you get your mail working again John ...


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