On Thursday 25 February 2010 9:24:27 am John Aldrich wrote:

> [j...@slave1 akonadi]$ sudo service mysql start
> [sudo] password for john:
> mysql: unrecognized service
> I have also verified that, in fact, mysql *is* started.

Oops, I meant to say 'service msqyld start'.  Notice the "mysqld" instead of 

In any case, since you're able to see that mysql is in fact running (if you 
run "pgrep mysql" it should return a PID, I'm sure you know this), that may 
not be the issue.

I'd love to see the output of Akonadi when you try to start it via GUI (using 
the method I gave you above).  It'll give you a nice little list of the things 
it could do and the things that it could not do and need to be fixed.  It will 
usually show errors with mysql or d-bus...that way we could narrow it down.

Also, here is a link to a few sites I had used when I was going through this 
same problem.  The first is from Mandriva's forums, but it should work 
similarly for Fedora.  This invovles enabled the Nepomuk service--I did not 
have to do this in Fedora for my Akonadi to work.  The second is from the KDE 
forums and notes some changes made in /etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf and 
others to get Kmail, etc. working:


"I solved the problem "Akonadi Control process is not registered at D-bus." 
this way :
- Enabled nepomuk 
- Uninstalled akonadi's following rpm : qt4-database-plugin-mysql, 
akonadi-1.2.1-5-mdv2010.0.i586, akonadi-kde4-4.3.2-1-mdv2010.0.i586
- removed akonadi's conf (i just renamed it to be safe...) 
~/.local/share/akonadi > ~/.local/share/akonadi_old
- install akonadi's rpm : qt4-database-plugin-mysql, akonadi-1.2.1-5-
mdv2010.0.i586, akonadi-kde4-4.3.2-1-mdv2010.0.i586."


"Check ~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf looking for a line containing 'slow-
query' (I'm writing from memory, so it may be capitalised or not have the 
hyphen, or whatever). It should be commented out as should the same line in 
/etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf. This is a change from the old requirement, and 
fixing it sorted the problem out for me."

Hope you get it working!

Andre Goree
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