On Sunday 28 February 2010 01:30:19 am John Aldrich wrote:
> On Saturday 27 February 2010, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> > Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> > > I am yet to see any problem with KMail/akonadi/nepomuk
> > 
> > I am running KMail as a client to the IMAP (dovecot) server on my
> > desktop. KMail crashes whenever I move email to local trash
> > or to trash on the desktop.

I am trashing spam mail every day, and empty the trash folder afterwards with 
no problems. That said, I don't use IMAP, but the old-fashioned POP, 
connecting to several servers to check e-mail, gmail amongst others. Maybe the 
trash problem is IMAP-specific.

> My latest problem was yesterday evening. I came home and started up KMail
> and it came up asking for the wallet password as normal. Came up but then I
> couldn't do anything with it... it was locked up. I had to kill it from the
> command line.

Oh, and I also don't use the wallet in KMail, I forced it to store the 
passwords internally (again, the old-fashioned way). I had a problem at some 
point with kwallet repeatedly asking for a password to open, and eventually I 
got pissed off, disabled it, and readjusted KMail not to use it. Since then 
KMail works with no problems.

Maybe I am lucky because I have slightly different use-case and settings, but 
then again I don't think this should matter too much... ;-)

Best, :-)

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