On 01/12/2010 09:53 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> Oliver Falk wrote:
>>>>> Try adding this to your kernel params (/etc/grub.conf):
>>>>> notsc divider=10
>>>> Just tried that to no avail.  
>>> In case some folks are unfamiliar with the phrase "to no avail"...it
>>> means it didn't help.  (My wife, a non-native English speaker, insists I
>>> should be clearer....  :-) )
>> I have these settings on all my VMWare RH/Fedora instances and time is OK.
> Humm...  Wonder why it doesn't have any effect here.....

Maybe it's different for VMWare Workstation... I have these settings on
my ESX... :-/

> Also, FWIW, when sending directly to your email address my server is
> getting....
> 01-12-2010.16:47:24 SMTPinitiator-21033: << 450 4.7.1
> <oli...@linux-kernel.at>... ACCESS DENIED to misty.greshko.com listed at
> tw.countries.nerd.dk
> Sounds like all of Taiwan may be blacklisted...  :-(  The information on
> http://countries.nerd.dk/ seems a bit obnoxious to me.

All mail from Taiwan is spam, isn't it? :-) Just joking... Well, I
usually don't get much mail from Taiwan. And if, it's in most cases
spam. However, it should only be a tempfail...

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