On 01/12/2010 09:31 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> Ed Greshko wrote:
>> Oliver Falk wrote:
>>> Hi Ed!
>>> On 01/12/2010 08:23 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>> At first I thought this was a VMware workstation issue.  But now it
>>>> points more to F12.
>>> [ ... ]
>>>> Is anyone having similar issues with time on F12?  Part of the reason I
>>>> noticed this was looking at the email headers generated from this list. 
>>>> The time of the servers jumps forward and then  backward in time.  But,
>>>> since it by minutes maybe those servers just don't use ntp to keep sync....
>>> Try adding this to your kernel params (/etc/grub.conf):
>>> notsc divider=10
>> Just tried that to no avail.  
> In case some folks are unfamiliar with the phrase "to no avail"...it
> means it didn't help.  (My wife, a non-native English speaker, insists I
> should be clearer....  :-) )

I have these settings on all my VMWare RH/Fedora instances and time is OK.

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