Oliver Falk wrote:
>>>> Try adding this to your kernel params (/etc/grub.conf):
>>>> notsc divider=10
>>> Just tried that to no avail.  
>> In case some folks are unfamiliar with the phrase "to no avail"...it
>> means it didn't help.  (My wife, a non-native English speaker, insists I
>> should be clearer....  :-) )
> I have these settings on all my VMWare RH/Fedora instances and time is OK.
Humm...  Wonder why it doesn't have any effect here.....

Also, FWIW, when sending directly to your email address my server is

01-12-2010.16:47:24 SMTPinitiator-21033: << 450 4.7.1
<oli...@linux-kernel.at>... ACCESS DENIED to misty.greshko.com listed at

Sounds like all of Taiwan may be blacklisted...  :-(  The information on
http://countries.nerd.dk/ seems a bit obnoxious to me.

The sky spun again as Marco turned the ship so that 'down' was where
long tradition had always put it, in the region of the feet. (Strata)

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