The aim of having configured for the producer is, in
my understanding, to fence off a zombie producer and to proactively
abort its transactions to avoid the need to wait for a timeout.

What I'm interested in doing is to be able to continue the
transaction. For example:

// now the producer crashes

// start a new producer with same
producer = new KafkaProducer(...);
// this aborts the unfinished transaction of the previous producer

My gut feeling is that it should be technically possible, there's just
no API for that. Is there anything that prevents us from doing that?

Why do I need this? The Kafka transaction in my case is a part of a
larger distributed transaction, which failed during the 2nd phase. The
transaction coordinator saved its state and was restarted and knows
that some participants might have committed and some not, therefore it
requires all participants to finish the commit from previous run.


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