
I am trying to connect to kafka via CLI to publish messages to a topic from a 
windows box.
I’ve read the docs, googled and asked others (everyone I know just uses the 
GUI).  I’m clearly missing something.

I’ve included the (masked) info I use to connect via Kafka Tool followed by a 
short list of specific questions.  

Properties : General
        Cluster Name – ABCD, Kafka Cluster Version – 0.11, Zookeeper Host – 
localhost, Zookeeper Port – 9999, Chroot path - /
Properties : Security
        Type – SSL, Truststore Location – Path to kafka-trustore, Trustore 
Password – abcdefghij123, Keystore Location – <blank>, Keystore Password – 
<blank>, Keystore Private Key Password – <blank>
Properties : Advanced
        Bootstrap servers – ssl://, ssl://, 
ssl://, SASL mechanism – <blank>

1. Does it matter which version of kafka I use to connect?  I'm trying with 
2. I’ve attempted to use the below command, but receive the following error.  
What am I missing here?

    Kafka-console-producer --broker-list ssl://, 
ssl:// --producer.config 
C:\Users\example_user\Kafka\client-ssl.properties --topic FakeTopic
    Contents of client-ssl.properties:
        security.protocol = SSL
        ssl.truststore.location = C:/Users/example_user/Kafka/kafka-truststore
        ssl.truststore.password = abcdefghij123

         >[2019-06-05 13:01:59,592] ERROR [Producer clientId=console-producer] 
Connection to node -1 (/ failed authentication due to: SSL 
handshake failed (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)

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