It's hacked in Apache Flink using reflection:
It would be nice to have this feature supported in the API.


On Thu, 6 Jun 2019 at 10:56, Viliam Durina <> wrote:
> The aim of having configured for the producer is, in
> my understanding, to fence off a zombie producer and to proactively
> abort its transactions to avoid the need to wait for a timeout.
> What I'm interested in doing is to be able to continue the
> transaction. For example:
> producer.beginTransaction();
> producer.send(...);
> // now the producer crashes
> // start a new producer with same
> producer = new KafkaProducer(...);
> // this aborts the unfinished transaction of the previous producer
> producer.initTransactions();
> My gut feeling is that it should be technically possible, there's just
> no API for that. Is there anything that prevents us from doing that?
> Why do I need this? The Kafka transaction in my case is a part of a
> larger distributed transaction, which failed during the 2nd phase. The
> transaction coordinator saved its state and was restarted and knows
> that some participants might have committed and some not, therefore it
> requires all participants to finish the commit from previous run.
> Viliam

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