Hi Adrien
You could take some ideas from: https://github.com/framiere/monitoring-demo

Alternatively, Confluent provide a very powerful Control Center for
monitoring and managing Kafka

(disclaimer, I work for Confluent!)

Best Regards


On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 2:12 AM, Adrien Ruffie <adrye...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Kafka Users,
> I want to monitor our Kafka cluster correctly. I have read several articles
> on "how to monitor Kafka" but I have the impression that every company is
> doing a bit of a thing (rearranging them in his own way).
> What the really thing I need to monitor, verify and set notifications
> sending when a threshold is reached ? (meaningful alerting).
> Is there a no commercial application (not paying) for this ?
> For example where we can see the ratio of actual bytes on disk compared to
> the configured maximum bytes for the topic, or log flush time, consumer
> lagging, under replicated partitions.
> And a way to set several notifications/alerts on:
> - when ysed swap is > 128mb
> - when disk is > 85% used
> - IsrShinksPerSec|IsrExpandsPerSec != 0
> - UnderReplicatedPartition > 0
> - NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent < 0.3
> I take all the ideas that could allow us to take care of our cluster.
> Best regards.
> Adrien

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