Hello Kafka Users, I want to monitor our Kafka cluster correctly. I have read several articles on "how to monitor Kafka" but I have the impression that every company is doing a bit of a thing (rearranging them in his own way). What the really thing I need to monitor, verify and set notifications sending when a threshold is reached ? (meaningful alerting). Is there a no commercial application (not paying) for this ? For example where we can see the ratio of actual bytes on disk compared to the configured maximum bytes for the topic, or log flush time, consumer lagging, under replicated partitions. And a way to set several notifications/alerts on: - when ysed swap is > 128mb - when disk is > 85% used - IsrShinksPerSec|IsrExpandsPerSec != 0 - UnderReplicatedPartition > 0 - NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent < 0.3
I take all the ideas that could allow us to take care of our cluster. Best regards. Adrien