Nothing painful really at this point.

We were just evaluating kafka, and noticed the discrepancy. Was wondering
what's the 'design way' of using that tool.

Unlikely we gonna use it for prod monitoring at all. Just for initial

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Jan Filipiak <>

> Hi,
> very likely due to timing. What problem is it causing you exactly that you
> want to work around?
> These differences shouldn't concern you to much I guess.
> We use the tool across continents and don't worry about it to much. Offset
> Commit interval makes everything blury anyways. If you can specify your
> pain more precisely maybe we can work around it.
> Best Jan
> On 10.07.2017 10:31, Dmitriy Vsekhvalnov wrote:
>> Guys, let me up this one again. Still looking for comments about
>> tool.
>> Thank you.
>> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Dmitriy Vsekhvalnov <
>> wrote:
>> I've tried 3 brokers on command line, like that:
>>> /usr/local/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server
>>> broker:9092,broker_2:9092,broker_3:9092 --new-consumer --group
>>> logging-svc --describe
>>> it doesn't make any difference, still x10 times difference in figures
>>> when
>>> running on broker host vs. remote
>>> Here is snippet from console output (are you looking something specific
>>> in
>>> it? it looks normal a far as i can say):
>>>          CONSUMER-ID
>>> test.topic                  54         4304            4309            35
>>>           consumer-26-21f5050c-a43c-4254-bfcf-42e17dbdb651
>>> test.topic                  40         4426            4436            10
>>>          consumer-21-24f3ebca-004f-4aac-a348-638c9c6a02f0
>>> test.topic                  59         4414            4420            63
>>>           consumer-27-ed34f1b3-1be9-422b-bb07-e3c9913195c7
>>> test.topic                  42         4389            4403            76
>>>          consumer-22-75c2fc0a-5d5c-472d-b27e-e873030f82b6
>>> test.topic                  27         4416            4422            24
>>>           consumer-18-3be20568-8dd3-4679-a008-0ca64d31083c
>>> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 2:52 PM, M. Manna <> wrote:
>>> --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --new-consumer
>>>> --group service-group --describe
>>>> how many brokers do you have in the cluster? if you have more than one,
>>>> list them all using a comma csv with --bootstrap-server.
>>>> Also, could you paste some results from the console printout?
>>>> On 7 July 2017 at 12:47, Dmitriy Vsekhvalnov <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> question about lag checking. We've tried to periodically sample
>>>>> consumer
>>>>> lag with:
>>>>> --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --new-consumer
>>>>> --group service-group --describe
>>>>> it's all fine, but depending on host  we run it from it gives different
>>>>> results.
>>>>> E.g:
>>>>>    - when running from one of the broker hosts itself we getting close
>>>> to 0
>>>>> figures.
>>>>>    - when running from remote host, we getting 30-60 in average (i
>>>> suspect
>>>>> there are multiple remote calls to broker involved, so difference due
>>>>> to
>>>>> timing).
>>>>> My question is what is correct way to use it? From broker host itself?

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