Thanks for the update, Matthias.

+1 to the points 1,2,3,4 you mentioned.

Naming is always a tricky subject, but renaming KStreamBuilder
to StreamsTopologyBuilder looks ok to me (I would have had a slight
preference towards DslTopologyBuilder, but hey.)  The most important aspect
is, IMHO, what you also pointed out:  to make it clear that the current
KStreamBuilder actually builds a topology (though currently the latter is
actually called `TopologyBuilder` currently), and not a `KStream`.

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 11:43 PM, Matthias J. Sax <>

> Hi,
> sorry for not replying earlier and thanks for all your feedback. After
> some more discussions I updated the KIP. The new proposal puts some
> other design considerations into account, that I want to highlight
> shortly. Those considerations, automatically resolve the concerns raised.
> First some answers:
> > The PAPI processors I use in my KStreams app are all functioning on
> KTable
> > internals.  I wouldn't be able to convert them to process()/transform().
> >
> > What's the harm in permitting both APIs to be used in the same
> application?
> It's not about "harm" but about design. We want to switch from a
> "inheritance" to a "composition" pattern.
> About the interface idea: using a shared interface would not help to get
> a composition pattern
> Next I want to give the design considerations leading to the updated KIP:
> 1) Using KStreamBuilder in the constructor of KafkaStreams is unnatural.
> KafkaStreams client executes a `Topology` and this execution should be
> independent of the way the topology is "put together", ie, low-level API
> or DSL.
> 2) Thus, we don't want to have any changes to KafkaStreams class.
> 3) Thus, KStreamBuilder needs to have a method `build()` that returns a
> `Topology` that can be passed into KafakStreams.
> 4) Because `KStreamBuilder` should build a `Topology` I suggest to
> rename the new class to `StreamsTopologyBuilder` (the name
> TopologyBuilder would actually be more natural, but would be easily
> confused with old low-level API TopologyBuilder).
> Thus, PAPI and DSL can be mixed-and-matched with full power, as
> StreamsTopologyBuilder return the created Topology via #build().
> I also removed `final` for both builder classes.
> With regard to the larger scope of the overal API redesign, I also want
> to point to a summary of API issues:
> Kafka+Streams+Discussions
> Thus, this KIP is only one building block of a larger improvement
> effort, and we hope to get as much as possible done for 0.11. If you
> have any API improvement ideas, please share them so we can come up with
> an holistic sound design (instead of uncoordinated local improvements
> that might diverge)
> Looking forward to your feedback on this KIP and the other API issues.
> -Matthias
> On 2/15/17 7:36 PM, Mathieu Fenniak wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Matthias J. Sax <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> - We also removed method #topologyBuilder() from KStreamBuilder because
> >> we think #transform() should provide all functionality you need to
> >> mix-an-match Processor API and DSL. If there is any further concern
> >> about this, please let us know.
> >>
> >
> > Hi Matthias,
> >
> > Yes, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I still have a lot of
> concerns
> > about this.  You're correct to point out that transform() can be used for
> > some of the output situations I pointed out; albeit it seems somewhat
> > awkward to do so in a "transform" method; what do you do with the retval?
> >
> > The PAPI processors I use in my KStreams app are all functioning on
> KTable
> > internals.  I wouldn't be able to convert them to process()/transform().
> >
> > What's the harm in permitting both APIs to be used in the same
> application?
> >
> > Mathieu
> >

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