> On Mar 13, 2017, at 12:30 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Jay,
> thanks for your feedback
>> What if instead we called it KStreamsBuilder?
> That's the current name and I personally think it's not the best one.
> The main reason why I don't like KStreamsBuilder is, that we have the
> concepts of KStreams and KTables, and the builder creates both. However,
> the name puts he focus on KStream and devalues KTable.
> I understand your argument, and I am personally open the remove the
> "Topology" part, and name it "StreamsBuilder". Not sure what others
> think about this.

If you worry about that, you could consider "KafkaStreamsBuilder"
which highlights that it is about Kafka Streams the project as
opposed to KStream the feature.  A little bit wordier, but you probably
only type it a couple times.

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