Hi All,

I am having a kafka client (using 0.8.1) connecting to a server (running
0.8.0). After a while, we see many log messages and log grow to ~50G -
while the server is not loaded. The exception is:

ERROR Closing socket for /<<CLIENT_IP>> because of error

kafka.common.KafkaException: Wrong request type 10

at kafka.api.RequestKeys$.deserializerForKey(RequestKeys.scala:53)

at kafka.network.RequestChannel$Request.<init>(RequestChannel.scala:49)

at kafka.network.Processor.read(SocketServer.scala:353)

at kafka.network.Processor.run(SocketServer.scala:245)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

I looked at this thread
But I don't believe it's an API issue as everything has been working for a
while. No code change was added to the client.

I suspect that it could be due to connectivity issue as everything has been
working for a while. If my assumption is correct, what would be the correct
way to handle such failure?
What else could be a reason for such exception?

Thanks a lot for your kind support.


*Best Regards/أطيب المنى,*

*Anas Mosaad*
*Incorta Inc.*

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