Hi all,

We had configured our topics with an incorrect retention.ms of 8640000. With 
this, we observed the consumers  are unable to receive any data after 
approximate 2.4 hours; this ties in to 8640000/1000/60/60.

Later we altered the retention.ms to 86400000 (an extra 0), but the consumers 
are still unable to receive any data after approximate 2.4 hours.

Here is the command we used:
bin/kafka-topics.sh --alter --zookeeper <ZKHost:port> --topic <topic name> 
--config retention.ms=86400000

I realize that there maybe multiple reasons outside of retention.ms due to 
which consumers are not receiving data, but  I am interested in knowing if :

  1.  Is there anywhere else that the retention.ms configuration has to be 
altered ?
  2.  Alter retention.ms does not work and maybe the topics have to be deleted 
and re-created with the correct configuration ?

Appreciate your feedback on this.


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