I'm helping out on adding 0.9 stuff to the Elixir Kafka driver ( https://github.com/kafkaex/kafka_ex), and I'm getting an unexpected response on an integration test that makes a simple SyncGroup call.
In Elixir terms, I'm getting <<0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> back. My interpretation: 32 bits correlation id = 0,0,0,3 16 bits error code = 0,0 There's now 32 bits left. However, I'm expecting (following https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol#AGuideToTheKafkaProtocol-SyncGroupResponse) a MemberAssignment structure here, which is 16 bits of version (0) 32 bits of length (it's a simple integration test, so for now i'm happy to accept the answer "0 assignments for you, dude!" ;-)). Which clearly is more data than left in the response. Am I misinterpreting the documentation here?