Hey Joe,

First off, thanks for doing this!

I'm trying to use the publication with Gradle, and I'm running into
problems. It's giving me a funky exception. I did some digging, and
apparently the exception implies that Gradle has been given a 1.0 pom.

I took a look at the Kafka pom:


It is indeed interesting. It appears to be a 2.0 pom, but it has a parent
pointing to org.apache (?!). I dug around, and I haven't seen any other
POMs with this style. I am not Maven expert, but at this point, it seems
like the POMs Maven Central are somewhat broken in that regard.

Have you successfully used the POMs with anything other than SBT? I
noticed you're including "intransitive" in the SBT coordinates. Why is
that? In general, we'd want Kafka's transitive dependencies to be pulled
in, as well. Are you turning off transitivity because of an issue similar
to the one I'm seeing?


On 7/14/13 6:32 PM, "Joe Stein" <crypt...@gmail.com> wrote:

>With SBT you can use 0.8.1-beta built with any of these four Scala
>in libraryDependencies now
>"org.apache.kafka" % "kafka_2.9.2" % "0.8.0-beta1" intransitive()
>"org.apache.kafka" % "kafka_2.9.1" % "0.8.0-beta1" intransitive()
>"org.apache.kafka" % "kafka_2.8.2" % "0.8.0-beta1" intransitive()
>"org.apache.kafka" % "kafka_2.8.0" % "0.8.0-beta1" intransitive()
>Joe Stein
>Twitter: @allthingshadoop <http://www.twitter.com/allthingshadoop>

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