Hello Joe,

It seems to me that mod_reqtimeout applies to the amount of time a allowed for the server to receive the request from the client (Read from client).

But your errors are indicating a problem on the Write to client.
As I am understanding our WLS plugin developer, the problem seems to be that when the server has readied a response to send back to the client, the client has already dropped the connection.
So in your topology this could be client browser, firewall or load balancer.

Have you considered the email responses from Todd Simons and Daniel?
The response from Daniel concerning the load balancer may be the most pertinent.



On 6/20/2016 11:11 AM, Joe Muller wrote:
  I checked our httpd.conf and we do have reqtimeout_module already loaded, 
however there is nothing set.  According to the Apache 2.4 documentation the 
default values are:

Default: header=20-40,MinRate=500 body=20,MinRate=500

Wouldn't you think that should be high enough ?  I know for a fact that the 
data is not taking 20-40 seconds to post in these applications, as the users 
are not waiting that long.  They are only seeing slowdowns of a few seconds 
between pages (which in network time is pretty long, ecspecially accessing the 
applications locally and not coming in from over the internet.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Rumph [mailto:mike.ru...@oracle.com]
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 10:45 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Issues migrating Weblogic proxies from Sun One 6.1 
to Apache 2.4

Hello Joe,

I am not in a position to offer an official Oracle statement for your situation.
But I do work closely with the owners of the WLS plug-ins.

Here is an initial evaluation from one of the developers:

"WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT is typically seen when there is an error writing the 
response to the client (WLS plug-in client). This usually occurs when the user sends 
a request, but closes the browser (or hits a stop
button) before the response is received by the client. In such a scenario, from the 
plug-in perspective, whenever response is received from WLS, it cannot relay it to 
the client as the connection is broken, and it logs WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT error. 
This is usually a harmless error. If the above is not true (closing the browser 
etc), then it may be possible that the client timeout is too low (or lower than the 
WLS response time for the request). In such cases, the timeout needs to be 
increased. I am not aware of what parameters to look out for here, but 
mod_reqtimeout may be a good beginning."

I hope that this is helpful to you.
For more specific details, you would still need to contact official Oracle 
support channels.



On 6/17/2016 7:30 AM, Joe Muller wrote:
I am working on a project to migrate all our IPlanet 6.1 SP19 webserver proxies 
(formerly Sun One) to Apache 2.4, since IPlanet 6.1 does not support TLS 1.2 
and IPlanet 7.0 is being EOL. Our backend application servers are Weblogic 9.2 
/ Weblogic 12c. The IPlanet proxies have performed FLAWLESSLY for over 10 
years, despite the product being no longer supported and their WL Plug-in not 
officially supported with Weblogic 12c.

   However now that we are trying to use a more supported configuration 
(self-compiled Apache 2.4.18 running Weblogic Server Plugin 12.1.3) we are 
constantly seeing these errors, which results in performance degradation for 
our applications, and in some cases I think maybe even lost data.

   [Tue Jun 14 09:27:36.239682 2016] [weblogic:error] [pid 12513:tid
140185150932736] [client] <1251314659108487> Write
to the client failed: calling URL::close at line 559 of BaseProxy.cpp,
referer: https://intgalf.xyz.com/ALFA/selectFileType.do?fileType=O1MM

   [Tue Jun 14 09:27:36.239747 2016] [weblogic:error] [pid 12513:tid 140185150932736] 
[client] <1251314659108487> **
   *****Exception type [WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT] raised at line 560 of
BaseProxy.cpp, referer:

   [Tue Jun 14 09:27:36.239952 2016] [weblogic:error] [pid 12513:tid
140185150932736] [client] <1251314659108487>
[/ALFA/servlet/DecryptDownload?linkName=al_o1mm_carr20150630.csv] did
NOT process successfully..................,

   Our topology is like this:

   Client Browser <--> Firewall <--> Load Balancer <--> Web Proxies
<--> Firewall <--> Weblogic Application Servers

   Oracle support suggested as work around that we increase WLSocketsTimeOut in 
the plug-in, but I think that only masks the issue, as we still the errors.

   We did a network trace and it looks like the Apache plug-in is pre-maturely 
closing the connection to the WL server, but I can't be certain. We know that 
our firewall is not responsible.

   Any ideas ? I thought Apache would work better then Sun One, but this has 
been the opposite. Is there some fundamental webserver tunable parameter that 
is so different between out of the box Sun One and out of the box Apache that 
could be causing this ?

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