I have experienced the same issue two times, both scenarios had a
loadbalancer in front of apache while the same scenario in pre-producttion
without load-balancing didn't yield the same problem. All cases involved a
POST response instead of the tipical GET.

I would check if the problem occurs in these situations to discard the
possible cause:

* With one apache down so Balancer always sends to the same server. (Also
check which kind of persistance is set in the balancer).
* Same request without balancer on top.
* Set WLProxyPassThrough to ON and see if there is any difference with
previous two points.
* We also had a case in which the module version was old and needed
FileCaching set to OFF.

Good luck

2016-06-20 16:44 GMT+02:00 Mike Rumph <mike.ru...@oracle.com>:

> Hello Joe,
> I am not in a position to offer an official Oracle statement for your
> situation.
> But I do work closely with the owners of the WLS plug-ins.
> Here is an initial evaluation from one of the developers:
> "WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT is typically seen when there is an error writing
> the response to the client (WLS plug-in client). This usually occurs when
> the user sends a request, but closes the browser (or hits a stop button)
> before the response is received by the client. In such a scenario, from the
> plug-in perspective, whenever response is received from WLS, it cannot
> relay it to the client as the connection is broken, and it logs
> WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT error. This is usually a harmless error. If the above
> is not true (closing the browser etc), then it may be possible that the
> client timeout is too low (or lower than the WLS response time for the
> request). In such cases, the timeout needs to be increased. I am not aware
> of what parameters to look out for here, but mod_reqtimeout may be a good
> beginning."
> I hope that this is helpful to you.
> For more specific details, you would still need to contact official Oracle
> support channels.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 6/17/2016 7:30 AM, Joe Muller wrote:
>> I am working on a project to migrate all our IPlanet 6.1 SP19 webserver
>> proxies (formerly Sun One) to Apache 2.4, since IPlanet 6.1 does not
>> support TLS 1.2 and IPlanet 7.0 is being EOL. Our backend application
>> servers are Weblogic 9.2 / Weblogic 12c. The IPlanet proxies have performed
>> FLAWLESSLY for over 10 years, despite the product being no longer supported
>> and their WL Plug-in not officially supported with Weblogic 12c.
>>   However now that we are trying to use a more supported configuration
>> (self-compiled Apache 2.4.18 running Weblogic Server Plugin 12.1.3) we are
>> constantly seeing these errors, which results in performance degradation
>> for our applications, and in some cases I think maybe even lost data.
>>   [Tue Jun 14 09:27:36.239682 2016] [weblogic:error] [pid 12513:tid
>> 140185150932736] [client] <1251314659108487> Write to
>> the client failed: calling URL::close at line 559 of BaseProxy.cpp,
>> referer: https://intgalf.xyz.com/ALFA/selectFileType.do?fileType=O1MM
>>   [Tue Jun 14 09:27:36.239747 2016] [weblogic:error] [pid 12513:tid
>> 140185150932736] [client] <1251314659108487> **
>>   *****Exception type [WRITE_ERROR_TO_CLIENT] raised at line 560 of
>> BaseProxy.cpp, referer:
>> https://intgalf.xyz.com/ALFA/selectFileType.do?fileType=O1MM
>>   [Tue Jun 14 09:27:36.239952 2016] [weblogic:error] [pid 12513:tid
>> 140185150932736] [client] <1251314659108487> request
>> [/ALFA/servlet/DecryptDownload?linkName=al_o1mm_carr20150630.csv] did NOT
>> process successfully.................., referer:
>> https://intgalf.xyz.com/ALFA/selectFileType.do?fileType=O1MM
>>   Our topology is like this:
>>   Client Browser <--> Firewall <--> Load Balancer <--> Web Proxies <-->
>> Firewall <--> Weblogic Application Servers
>>   Oracle support suggested as work around that we increase
>> WLSocketsTimeOut in the plug-in, but I think that only masks the issue, as
>> we still the errors.
>>   We did a network trace and it looks like the Apache plug-in is
>> pre-maturely closing the connection to the WL server, but I can't be
>> certain. We know that our firewall is not responsible.
>>   Any ideas ? I thought Apache would work better then Sun One, but this
>> has been the opposite. Is there some fundamental webserver tunable
>> parameter that is so different between out of the box Sun One and out of
>> the box Apache that could be causing this ?
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*Daniel Ferradal*
IT Specialist

email         dferradal at gmail.com
linkedin     es.linkedin.com/in/danielferradal

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