I have not yet tried disabling KeepAlive.  For our IPlanet servers we have 
always had KeepAlive turned ON.   Also support recommended I make sure it is 
ON.  I guess I can try turning it off just to see what happens, but I imagine 
there is a performance hit leaving it like that.   I have tried increasing the 
KeepAlive timeout, and increasing the WLSocketTimeoutSecs and WLIOTimeoutSecs, 
but that did not help.

I also have not fiddled with ConnectRetrySecs or ConnectTimeoutsecs yet.  I 
didn't think would those were applicable here, since I increasing the sleep 
timeout would not be applicable.  Also our application has not been returning 
any 503 Service Unavailable responses.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Rumph [mailto:mike.ru...@oracle.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 10:03 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Issues migrating Weblogic proxies from Sun One 6.1 
to Apache 2.4

Hello Joe,

You can see the parameters that are available from the WLS plug-ins here:

The equivalent to what Yann was referring could be KeepAliveEnabled and 
But ConnectTimeoutSecs, ConnectRetrySecs, WLSocketTimeoutSecs and 
WLIOTimeoutSecs might also be useful.



On 7/1/2016 3:06 AM, Joe Muller wrote:
> As far as we can see from fiddler and the Apache logs the request is fully 
> sent.   I assume those parameters you mentioned are for mod_proxy ?  We are 
> not using mod_proxy for this, we are using the Weblogic plug-in for Apache 
> 2.4.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yann Ylavic [mailto:ylavic....@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 3:42 AM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Issues migrating Weblogic proxies from Sun 
> One 6.1 to Apache 2.4
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 12:49 AM, Joe Muller <jmul...@arccorp.com> wrote:
>>    One interesting thing we did find on a packet capture on the back end 
>> between the proxy server and the application server is that 3 seconds after 
>> the proxy server apparently closed the port, the Weblogic application server 
>> tried to send data.  It almost like Weblogic did not realize the port was 
>> closed.  Very odd.
> Is the HTTP request fully sent (proxy) and responded (backend) when this 
> happens? (I try to understand why a backend/application would send data on 
> its own).
> Otherwise, on a general rule, did you take care that the TTL of proxy 
> connection (to the backend) is lower than the KeepAliveTimeout configured on 
> the backend?
> This can be done by using the ProxyPass/BalancerMember parameter ttl=...
> But before that, does disabling keepalive on the proxy help already?
> (ProxyPass' disablereuse=on or SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive)
> Regards,
> Yann.
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