On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:43:17PM -0500, Joey J wrote:
> Apache 2.4 has had a stable release out for over 2 years but is only
> used by 2.5% of active Apache sites.   Why is the adoption so low??
> The Apache foundation has been recommending upgrading to 2.4 for
> some time and looking at the improvements I see significant value in
> several.  I don't see any reason why anybody wouldn't want to use it
> but the community seems to think it's bad.
I'm actually fighting my way through this upgrade now. It's not that I
think 2.4 is bad. Not at all. It's just that the upgrade is difficult
and I have other things I need to be working on.

David Benfell <benf...@parts-unknown.org>
See https://parts-unknown.org/node/2 if you don't understand the

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