wow, this is getting racist, OP, please delete this whole thread if 

James is no white, he is one stupid Indian (at least from his last name) 
who does not understand the value of Open Source. And the simple fact that 
the docs here are purely a reference guide with some exceptions. You just 
try out the directives if you are not sure and observe the output / end 
result and you will get there. There are so many things I still do not 
know in AWS but if there is a new requirement, the only place I visit is 
the Apache documentation. First try to help myself and if I have exhausted 
my options, ask the community for help.

One of my ex-Manager was of the same opinion as James - would always 
butt-head with me about Open Source and try to shoot down every Open 
source proposal I had. Like James argued that "poor documentation implied 
having to pay for support / consulting. So it is not truly free". If at 
all you need support, then why not pay!? Don't you pay 20% of the license 
fee for annual support for all your existing Enterprise products. You save 
the huge up-front license fee for unlimited installations, processors, 
servers, sites going with open source s/w so can't you shell out at least 
support dollars. I just don't get that argument. But at least having a 
rock stable Apache 1.x, 2.0.x, and currently 2.2.x, and Suse Linux 8,9,10 
for the last 7-8 years w/o having to pay a dime has silenced him and other 
nay sayers in my org.

Anyway, coming from India, a nation of many million programmers and IT 
folks, but has hardly made a serious original contribution to the open 
source community (or to IT in general), I had to chyme in and let the 
entire open source community know that how heck of a job you all are doing 
expecting very little to nothing in return and enduring personal time and 
sacrifice and how much your efforts are appreciated around the world. You 
all are my role models.


Vincent Jong <>
07/28/2010 09:45 AM
Re: [us...@httpd] a chain of proxy servers

Heck no. I got lucky that I'm not white, so I got in with affirmative 
action... Did you get hired because of the Americans with Disabilities 
Act? If so, that's cool too... I guess not being able to read is a 

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 9:40 AM, James Godrej <> 

From: Vincent Jong <>

Sent: Wed, 28 July, 2010 10:01:36 PM
Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] a chain of proxy servers

How the heck did you get hired on as a sysadmin? :-/

so do u think u shld have been hired ?

AFM #998

If there's anything more important than my ego
around, I want it caught and shot now...

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