Funny... I learned how to administer apache by reading the docs... So do you
want to hear an opinion of someone that used apache for the first time
reading the docs? You probably don't since I'm sure your insurance won't pay
for another wahmbulance trip to butt hurt hospital.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 9:06 AM, James Godrej <> wrote:

> There is nothing to laugh in it.
> Support is how Open Source companies earn their money from.
> If some where you get a document which makes life easy why would some one
> pay the money to support.
> More than 70% of documentations on internet is written by some vague person
> calling themselves to be an expert.
> You read that go through it step by step then you find at some step it
> failed you Google and then you try another non sense blog or what ever
> and lo Gah!!! you again failed.You thoroughly rubbed your shoulders read
> the Guides tutorials and then you find that things are not working.
> At least in a proprietary software you are assured that such hassles will
>  not be a part of your life.
> Some one is there to take care and understand the plight of end user.
> When some one tells that Documentation is not proper then people cry.
> If you actually want to write a clear document then
> ask some one who used Apache for the first time to read your document and
> do step by step what is mentioned if they could do
> your doc is good else its useless.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Eric Covener <>
> *
> *Either there's a conspiracy or you're too lazy/stupid to read the
> technical documentation.  Thanks for the laugh!

AFM #998

If there's anything more important than my ego
around, I want it caught and shot now...

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