Thanks for very detailed report Denis

couple of thoughts inline:

On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 at 13:59, Denis Noctor <> wrote:

> Hi there everyone,
> My sincerest apologies for only getting back to you now. As I had
> mentioned in my previous email that I was going through a personal issue
> and it took longer than I had anticipated to get back in touch.
> However, as mentioned before, I have been keeping up to date by reading
> all the emails in the forum over the last few weeks... and some direct
> emails also.
> I also apologize for the length of the email... so maybe you should grab a
> coffee.
> As mentioned in my previous email, I set up 10 devices to connect to Room
> 7 on the OM demo server - all of which where running the latest version of
> Chrome. 3 machines running Windows 10, 1 running Windows 8, 4 running
> Windows 7, 2 Amazon Fires (set up to run Chrome) with varying degrees of
> ram (2, 4, 8 and 12 gigs)
> *The results are as follows:*
> After logging in around 8.22pm (Mexico time), 12th November (OpenMeetings
> - Next, 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Revision: db7be4b, Build date: 2020-11-09T14:57:23Z
> , I gradually added other devices to the room. I got to 8. There was a
> little but of a time lapse... in the sense that I would move from one
> computer to another... and could still see myself in one feed after I had
> move to another. It is important to note that 2 of the computers (older
> HP's) have a slight webcam issue... (I think there is a fauly cable...
> sometimes works sometimes doesn't - but audio/mic was working fine).
> When I added 2 the last two devices, things started to break down. The
> audio quality was clearly reduced... there was a lot of crackling sounds...
> and some of the users video pods disappeared from some of the
> devices´screens.... or "empty" video pods filled some screens... on some
> devices.... but were viewable on others. Some users appeared to be
> disconnected, though they could continue to view the whiteboards... but had
> their audio and video disconnected (icons in orange)... when they tried to
> reconnect... they couldn't... they clicked on the audio / vid icons but
> with no effect... refreshing the screen sometimes seemed to correct this.
> While 8 users seemed to be able to connect okay... there was a little bit
> of a time delay. As you can understand, I don't have headphones and
> microphones for each and every computer... so I spaced them around my
> house... when I talked... I could hear my voice being repeated... (I am not
> referring to echo feedback).... there was a slight time delay by a couple
> of seconds on some of the devices... moving from device to device. However,
> with just 5 users in a room, this was not really an issue.
> From time to time users experienced other users being disconnected or
> whereby they could see the "empty video pod" with the green border flashing
> on and off as someone spoke.... but again no audio or video being
> received.... but it was possible to see the same users on other devices.
> Users would try to "refresh" the page... again only having access to 4 - 5
> users on the page.... and not necessarily seeing the moderator. I finished
> testing around 9.50pm.
> *Some additional observations:*
> Based on some of the emails over the last few weeks. It appears to be that
> one OM instance can only deal with 3 simultaneous rooms with 5 users approx
> in each room (using audio and video)... and based on the above maybe a
> little more, but at a stretch. This appears to boil down to limitations due
> to number Kurento / WebRTC connections.... some of you have mention
> somewhere in the range of 200 - 300 connections.
> As a result I took a look at a few sites regarding BigBlueButton (BBB), as
> it also uses Kurento and WebRTC to get a general idea as to how many users
> can be in a room (with camera and audio). However, a lot of digging had to
> be done as many of the numbers that are used are about how many
> participants can be in a room (without cam and mic) with a moderator (using
> cam and mic). Now I apologize for bringing up BBB in conversation, as I am
> not endorsing the platform....reminding me of Harry Potter, (Voldemort) "He
> who shall not be named" :)
> However, it might be worth investigating for ideas on how to increase the
> number of cams / mics in an OM room.
> You can view this information here:
> Similarly, if you look at the following link it suggests that the more
> number of concurrent users... the number of rooms will be less (but again
> not taking into consideration cams and mics) :
> However, regarding the limited number of users (with cam and mic), BBB
> seems to have got arround this by having a window of 5 cams that can be
> scrolled left or right. It appears moderators can still view up to 25 cams
> etc.
> Take a look at this:
this might be because BBB uses 3+ KMS servers clustered
(I was unable to find direct link regarding it ...)

I guess we might contact BBB devs and ask for the help in KMS

> _________________________
> *OM Demo Next Server Specs:*
> @Maxim, is it possible to share the specs of the demo server, ram, cpu,
> etc, so that we can get a general idea as to what to benchmark against.

I did share the specs before
here they are

dedicated server with
CPU: 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         950  @ 3.07GHz

It hosting
om-demo: 8GB for java
om-next:   4GB for java

These instances are using
- same KMS
- same Coturn
- Separate databases at same MySql

I can increase java memory for demo-next if you are planning to do tests
one more time

> At the moment I am using AWS, t3a.large (8 gigs Ram , 2 vCPUS). However, I
> am under the impression that even if I upgrade my AWS server... I am not
> really going to see any major improvements given the fact that I am still
> limited to the number of users (with cam and mic) per room.
> Before this whole covid situation, my school had 10 classrooms, class size
> average 10. I would like to be able to have a similar virtual set up... but
> based on all the info above I would need 3 - 4 instances (using clustering,
> which I have never done before) - but will still have a problem having 11
> users (10 students / 1 moderator) in a room.
> And while I know the following question (as an alternative) might be
> considered ridiculous - can a multiple number of OM installations (with
> multiple KMS etc) be conducted in one server - which more ram, cpu power
> etc?
> It would be great if anyone out there has a successful clustering model
> that they could share - even to test across 2 instances. At present, I am
> using Ubuntu 18.04 on AWS as described above.
> Either way it seems the main obstacle at the moment seems to be how
> Kurento and WebRTC can be set up to overcome these limitations
> Apologies once again for the length of this email and for taking so long
> to get back in touch.
> (I've added a few screenshots regarding my test below (one computer's time
> is 2 hours behind for some strange reason) :))
> All the best,
> Denis.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_5685694464496587774_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 12:26 AM Maxim Solodovnik <>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Nov 2020 at 14:24, Denis Noctor <> wrote:
>>> Hi there Maxim... I did a test with 8 computers and 2 tablets last night
>>> (spread across 2 WiFis)... please don’t delete the logs on the OM demo
>>> server (next)...
>> I just backup the logs
>>> I will come back to you all with some feedback and pics later tomorrow
>>> (if that’s okay)... however, for reference... I started the process in the
>>> public room #7...start time around 8.22pm (12th Nov) (México... 6 hrs
>>> behind) and end time 9.50pm... (if you want to check the logs) .... the
>>> short version is that 8 users experienced relatively stable performance.
>> Looking forward to hear the full version :))
>>> Will give you a more detailed feedback once I deal with a personal
>>> issue. All the best, Denis.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 11, 2020, at 9:09 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I'll try to answer in one email :)
>>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 20:32, dww <> wrote:
>>>> However, Denis, I think your experiment with multiple devices would be
>>>> valuable as then there is only one browser tab or window with the OM
>>>> room open as a guest on each device. Perhaps that will make a
>>>> difference.
>>> yes, this would be better test (even if "fake" camera is used)
>>>> Dennis
>>>> On Wed, 2020-11-11 at 08:24 -0500, dww wrote:
>>>> > Thanks, Denis,
>>>> >
>>>> > Back on Oct. 17 Maxim provided the following Bash script to be run on
>>>> > the machine with a client side browser for the psuedo guest users. (
>>>> > Use another machine to create the room administratively and send
>>>> > invitations) This is a far simpler way to stress test the client side
>>>> > browser.
>>>> >
>>>> > Dennis
>>>> >
>>>> > Hello,
>>>> >
>>>> > i just have tried the following script
>>>> > started as `./ 5`
>>>> >
>>>> > everything seems to work, but my CPU was 800% busy (all cores were
>>>> > 100%
>>>> > busy)
>>>> >
>>>> > without `--use-fake-device-for-media-stream` parameter I had lots of
>>>> > permission errors due to camera was "captured" by first browser
>>>> > other have reported "Camera busy" error
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > _HASH_HERE_ - should be replaced with real hash (I have created
>>>> > endless
>>>> > invitation hash to the private conference room)
>>>> >
>>>> > the script
>>>> > ===============================================
>>>> > #!/bin/bash
>>>> >
>>>> > i=$1
>>>> >
>>>> > if [ -z "${i}" ]; then
>>>> >   i=30
>>>> > fi
>>>> > let "i += 0"
>>>> >
>>>> > rm -rf /tmp/delme*
>>>> >
>>>> > while ((i--)); do
>>>> >   #echo "${i}"
>>>> >   mkdir /tmp/delme${i}
>>>> >
>>>> >   #local conference
>>>> >   chromium-browser --user-data-dir=/tmp/delme${i} --disable-infobars
>>>> > --no-default-browser-check --allow-insecure-localhost
>>>> > --use-fake-device-for-media-stream '
>>>> >
>>>> https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/hash?invitation=_HASH_HERE_&language=1
>>>> '
>>>> > &
>>>> > done
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Wed, 2020-11-11 at 01:53 -0600, Denis Noctor wrote:
>>>> > > Hi there everyone, this seems to be the “elephant in the room”
>>>> > > discussion, while there has been a HUGE amount of development and
>>>> > > progress in OM since March (thank you so much @Maxim) ... there is
>>>> > > the whole issue of, for example, the number of users per room...
>>>> > > which seems to be about 5-6 (and maybe even to 7) when pushed to
>>>> > > the
>>>> > > limit... with both audio and video being broadcasted from all
>>>> > > users... and, something else.. if there are simultaneous
>>>> > > classes/sessions being held on the same server... will this
>>>> > > restrict
>>>> > > things even further? Is this an overall limitation
>>> Sebastian did some AWS based testing
>>> And, if i'm not mistaken, the server with 4GB RAM was able to handle at
>>> least 3 rooms of 5 people
>>> (5.1.0-SNAPSHOT should behave better than 5.0.1)
>>> to increase the number of rooms you can use cluster
>>>> to using a
>>>> > > browser
>>>> > > based approach... or should we be taking approach?
>>> well,
>>> there is "The Limit"
>>> KMS can handle only certain amount of multimedia connections
>>> additionally there are other limits:
>>> - bandwidth
>>> - CPU
>>> - RAM
>>> - open files (network socket is a file)
>>> "The Limit" is something I'm not sure how to deal with (yet)
>>>> > >
>>>> > > It was my intention to test out the OM “demo servers” over the last
>>>> > > 2
>>>> > > weeks but will take today off and try to test 10 real device
>>>> > > connections... with a combination of desktops, laptops, android
>>>> > > tablets and maybe even the odd iPhone or two.
>>> Apple devices has issues with sound (outgoing)
>>> I'm still investigating this one
>>>> > >
>>>> > > My million dollar question is... prior to WebRTC and Kurento... was
>>>> > > it possible to have 5-10 users in a room with audio and video
>>>> > > working
>>>> > > seamlessly in previous versions (for example, the old “flash” setup
>>>> > > (which will be redundant after Christmas... Chrome etc
>>>> > > notifications)
>>>> > > and if so, what has changed?
>>> Yes this was possible
>>> OM_before_5 was based on Red5 media server
>>> Unfortunately it's open source version has no WebRTC support
>>>> > >
>>>> > > If there is anyone out there that has no problem with user numbers
>>>> > > (using audio and vid)... exceeding a body of 7-10+, please let us
>>>> > > know.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > In the meantime, I’ll give you my feedback on my tests.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > I really appreciate everything that has been done to date.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Thanks.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Sent from my iPhone
>>>> > >
>>>> > > > On Nov 9, 2020, at 4:50 PM, dww <> wrote:
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Hello Maxim,
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > A couple of weeks ago there was an email thread about the 5 total
>>>> > > > users
>>>> > > > for one room, each user with video/microphone under the
>>>> > > > Subject: "docker container clustering experiments #1".
>>> For whatever reason you love to start new mail threads :))))
>>>> In this
>>>> > > > case
>>>> > > > it
>>>> > > > appears the bottleneck is the CPU usage on the client machine
>>>> > > > with
>>>> > > > the
>>>> > > > browser.
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > In a response to Denis Noctor on a similar thread you mentioned
>>>> > > > to
>>>> > > > try
>>>> > > > the following:
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > "please check allowed amount of opened files for the user who
>>>> > > > starts
>>>> > > > OM/KMS/TURN
>>>> > > > increasing it might help"
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Might this help with the issue we discussed? Where approximately
>>>> > > > do
>>>> > > > I
>>>> > > > set the allowed amount of opened files?
>>> KMS seems to drop connections when there is not enough files
>>> (network socket is a file)
>>> you can check the limit for current user using `ulimit -n` (`ulimit -a`
>>> to see all limits)
>>> to check limit for `nobody` user `su nobody --shell /bin/bash --command
>>> "ulimit -n"`
>>> to increase the limit i'm changing `/etc/security/limits.conf` file
>>> (seems to work at Ubuntu)
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Also are there any other things that can be tried to improve this
>>>> > > > scalability? Are there areas in the code that can be examined to
>>>> > > > investigate how to improve this?
>>> KMS cluster would be ultimate solution, I guess
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Thanks,
>>>> > > > Dennis
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Maxim
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Maxim
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_5685694464496587774_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Best regards,

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