Thanks Maxim.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 2:34 AM Maxim Solodovnik <>

> Hello Denis,
> I'll keep this letter to do some investigations/improvements :)
> First lat me explain how document conversion works:
> 1) file being uploaded is checked to be "office document" (txt, doc, xls,
> pdf etc.)
> 2) then file is converted to PDF using libre/open-office (if it is NOT PDF
> already)
> 3) then each page of PDF is being saved as PNG using imagemagic
> each step is atomic operation :(
> I can try to check if it is possible to know the number of pages using
> command line (not sure yet how :(( )
> Convertion process can be improved IF we can find good alternative to the
> above 3rd party tools
> (for ex. cross-platform virtual printer able to print to PNG files from
> command line :))))
> On Sun, 16 Jun 2019 at 01:27, Denis Noctor <> wrote:
>> Apologies Maxim for the late reply, I increased the amount of RAM on my
>> AWS instance and this has addressed the problem. I am a little bit
>> surprised how much RAM is used for the conversion processes though.
>> I was, however, able to replicate the upload conversion problem.... but
>> under extreme circumstances on the *
>> <>* platform -  I accidentally
>> tried to upload a PDF file (a small file  - about 1.5 megs... but it has a
>> LOT of pages, over 600!!!!!!... mainly text) - I know, I know and I'm sorry
>> :) I should have checked it first before uploading as the chances of anyone
>> doing this are zero... but it led me to think....
>> When I previously tried to upload documents (with low RAM), everything
>> seemed to "hang" on continuously converting... with no error message
>> (presumably as everything is being dealt with separately by ImageMajick)...
>> and nothing can be seen except by digging into the logs. The only way to
>> stop the process was to cancel and exit the room... sometimes resulting in
>> an "internal error". Would it be possible to add something such as setting
>> additional limitations" (for example on the admin/configuration page)
>> similar as to limiting file size upload, PDF conversion quality and so
>> on..... but restricting how many pages are to be converted when uploading a
>> doc, ppt and pdf file ?
>> For example, if a user uploads a document of more than 10 pages to be
>> converted.... that they are prompted with a message to say that documents
>> of "x" pages or less can be only converted - please try again" -
>> I think this would be extremely beneficial to the non-suspecting user who
>> tries to upload a file with too many pages and does not know what is
>> happening as a result --- of worse - crashes the platform. Hope this is of
>> some use.
>> All the best,
>> Denis.
>> (I would be happy to email ou a copy of the file I was using directly as
>> I can't put it out on the public domain),
>> <>
>>  Virus-free.
>> <>
>> <#m_-9000163054918213969_m_2697201284958559328_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 11:25 PM Maxim Solodovnik <>
>> wrote:
>>> Do you have any errors in the logs?
>>> can you check with PS which processes are started?
>>> Actually conversion is made by running 3rd party tools (imagemagic,
>>> libreoffice etc.)
>>> and there is configurable timeout external.process.ttl
>>> so processes
>>> will not work "forever"
>>> I can suggest to:
>>> 1) using real-time logs find the process which hangs
>>> 2) try to to manually run it, maybe play with some params
>>> I never saw the behavior like this :(
>>> On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 at 23:27, Denis Noctor <> wrote:
>>>> Hi there Maxim,
>>>> I am running 2 different AWS instances (both with Ubunto 18.04.2 LTS) –
>>>> the only difference being is that one is running  5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOT
>>>> (Revision - 85daa3b /Build date 2019-05-13T16:53:23Z) and the other is
>>>> running 5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOT (Revision - 1c16b6d /Build date
>>>> 2019-05-19T13:29:29Z)
>>>> The first one is setup using  NUMB TURNSERVER and as a result audio and
>>>> video is working as expected (solving the whole NAT issue I had some time
>>>> back).
>>>> Both installations are based on Alvaro’s version 9 instructions
>>>> “Installation of Apache OpenMeetings 5.0.0 M1 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS” … with
>>>> the exception of installing the 5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOTS… on Ubunto 18.04.2 LTS.
>>>> When I try upload files to “My Files” / the whiteboard, everything
>>>> seems to “hang” on the “Converting…” pop up stage. When I press “cancel” in
>>>> the pop up box, the box closes though there still appears be some activity
>>>> in the background as there is still a “spinning” arrow. When I exit the
>>>> room sometimes get an “Internal Error – Return to home page” 
>>>> (https://........./openmeetings/wicket/bookmarkable/org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages.InternalErrorPage)
>>>> This is why I set up a second AWS instance to double check installation
>>>> – however, in the second installation I have the same “converting” issues.
>>>> However, sometimes if I reboot the instances, restarting MySql, Kurento
>>>> and Tomcat3 (in this order), I can sometimes upload *ONE* document
>>>> (jpg, ppt, doc etc.) but when I try to upload another file, everything is
>>>> stuck on the “converting” process until I cancel.
>>>> I am curious to know if there are other users using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
>>>> (AWS instance) and if they are having a similar problem as I am beginning
>>>> to think this is unique to 18.04.2 LTS (and not 18.04).
>>>> For reference the following are installed:
>>>> ImageMagick - Version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114
>>>> Ghostscript – Version: GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)
>>>> LibreOffice  - Version: 20(Build:2)
>>>> /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml has been edited to comment out the
>>>> following:
>>>> <!-- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" /> -->
>>>> <!-- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" /> -->
>>>> Any feedback would be appreciated.
>>>> All the best.
>>>> Denis
>>>> <>
>>>>  Virus-free.
>>>> <>
>>>> <#m_-9000163054918213969_m_2697201284958559328_m_-2248289624690236754_m_-5775421598985918898_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>> --
>>> WBR
>>> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

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