Apologies Maxim for the late reply, I increased the amount of RAM on my AWS
instance and this has addressed the problem. I am a little bit surprised
how much RAM is used for the conversion processes though.

I was, however, able to replicate the upload conversion problem.... but
under extreme circumstances on the *https://om.alteametasoft.com:8443/next
<https://om.alteametasoft.com:8443/next>* platform -  I accidentally tried
to upload a PDF file (a small file  - about 1.5 megs... but it has a LOT of
pages, over 600!!!!!!... mainly text) - I know, I know and I'm sorry :) I
should have checked it first before uploading as the chances of anyone
doing this are zero... but it led me to think....

When I previously tried to upload documents (with low RAM), everything
seemed to "hang" on continuously converting... with no error message
(presumably as everything is being dealt with separately by ImageMajick)...
and nothing can be seen except by digging into the logs. The only way to
stop the process was to cancel and exit the room... sometimes resulting in
an "internal error". Would it be possible to add something such as setting
additional limitations" (for example on the admin/configuration page)
similar as to limiting file size upload, PDF conversion quality and so
on..... but restricting how many pages are to be converted when uploading a
doc, ppt and pdf file ?

For example, if a user uploads a document of more than 10 pages to be
converted.... that they are prompted with a message to say that documents
of "x" pages or less can be only converted - please try again" -

I think this would be extremely beneficial to the non-suspecting user who
tries to upload a file with too many pages and does not know what is
happening as a result --- of worse - crashes the platform. Hope this is of
some use.

All the best,

(I would be happy to email ou a copy of the file I was using directly as I
can't put it out on the public domain),


On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 11:25 PM Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>

> Do you have any errors in the logs?
> can you check with PS which processes are started?
> Actually conversion is made by running 3rd party tools (imagemagic,
> libreoffice etc.)
> and there is configurable timeout external.process.ttl
> https://openmeetings.apache.org/GeneralConfiguration.html so processes
> will not work "forever"
> I can suggest to:
> 1) using real-time logs find the process which hangs
> 2) try to to manually run it, maybe play with some params
> I never saw the behavior like this :(
> On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 at 23:27, Denis Noctor <denisnoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there Maxim,
>> I am running 2 different AWS instances (both with Ubunto 18.04.2 LTS) –
>> the only difference being is that one is running  5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOT
>> (Revision - 85daa3b /Build date 2019-05-13T16:53:23Z) and the other is
>> running 5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOT (Revision - 1c16b6d /Build date
>> 2019-05-19T13:29:29Z)
>> The first one is setup using  NUMB TURNSERVER and as a result audio and
>> video is working as expected (solving the whole NAT issue I had some time
>> back).
>> Both installations are based on Alvaro’s version 9 instructions
>> “Installation of Apache OpenMeetings 5.0.0 M1 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS” … with
>> the exception of installing the 5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOTS… on Ubunto 18.04.2 LTS.
>> When I try upload files to “My Files” / the whiteboard, everything seems
>> to “hang” on the “Converting…” pop up stage. When I press “cancel” in the
>> pop up box, the box closes though there still appears be some activity in
>> the background as there is still a “spinning” arrow. When I exit the room
>> sometimes get an “Internal Error – Return to home page” 
>> (https://........./openmeetings/wicket/bookmarkable/org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages.InternalErrorPage)
>> This is why I set up a second AWS instance to double check installation –
>> however, in the second installation I have the same “converting” issues.
>> However, sometimes if I reboot the instances, restarting MySql, Kurento
>> and Tomcat3 (in this order), I can sometimes upload *ONE* document (jpg,
>> ppt, doc etc.) but when I try to upload another file, everything is stuck
>> on the “converting” process until I cancel.
>> I am curious to know if there are other users using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
>> (AWS instance) and if they are having a similar problem as I am beginning
>> to think this is unique to 18.04.2 LTS (and not 18.04).
>> For reference the following are installed:
>> ImageMagick - Version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114
>> Ghostscript – Version: GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)
>> LibreOffice  - Version: 20(Build:2)
>> /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml has been edited to comment out the
>> following:
>> <!-- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" /> -->
>> <!-- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" /> -->
>> Any feedback would be appreciated.
>> All the best.
>> Denis
>> <http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>>  Virus-free.
>> www.avg.com
>> <http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>> <#m_-2248289624690236754_m_-5775421598985918898_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

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