Thank you for the response. Yes currently in my PoC I'm using standalone integration. Does ` spec.taskManager.replicas` has any effect when using native mode?
The reason I'm asking is that I need to know what is the "cacpacity" of particular session cluster before I will submit the job into it. And the way how I was doing this was this: try (KubernetesClient kubernetesClient = new KubernetesClientBuilder().build()) { MixedOperation<FlinkDeployment, KubernetesResourceList<FlinkDeployment>, io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.Resource<FlinkDeployment>> resources = kubernetesClient.resources(FlinkDeployment.class); List<FlinkDeployment> items = resources.inNamespace("default").list().getItems(); for (FlinkDeployment item : items) { System.out.println("Flink Deployments: " + item); System.out.println("Number of TM replicas: " + item.getSpec().getTaskManager().getReplicas()); } } Thanks, Krzysztof czw., 31 sie 2023 o 10:44 Gyula Fóra <> napisał(a): > I guess your question is in the context of the standalone integration > because native session deployments automatically add TMs on the fly as more > are necessary. > > For standalone mode you should be able to configure > `spec.taskManager.replicas` and if I understand correctly that will not > shut down the running jobs. > If you have problems please share your FlinkDeployment yaml and the > operator logs in a JIRA ticket. > > In any case the native mode is probably better fit for your use-case. > > Gyula > > On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 2:42 AM Krzysztof Chmielewski < >> wrote: > >> Just want to broth this up in case it was missed in the other >> messages/queries :) >> >> TL:DR >> How to add TM to Flink Session cluster via Java K8s client if Session >> Cluster has running jobs? >> >> Thanks, >> Krzysztof >> >> pt., 25 sie 2023 o 23:48 Krzysztof Chmielewski < >>> napisał(a): >> >>> Hi community, >>> I have a use case where I would like to add an extra TM) to a running >>> Flink session cluster that has Flink jobs deployed. Session cluster >>> creation, job submission and cluster patching is done using flink k8s >>> operator Java API. The Details of this are presented here [1] >>> >>> I would like to ask, what is a recommended path to add a TM to existing >>> Session Cluster that currently runs number of Flink jobs using Java API. >>> For simplicity lets assume that I dont want to resume jobs from a >>> savepoint, just redeploy them. >>> >>> When executing steps from [1] I'm facing an issue where Session jobs are >>> not redeployed on patched Session cluster however kubectl shows that there >>> is FlinkSessionJob subbmited to the k8s. >>> >>> Additionally when I'm trying to delete FlinkSessionJob from kubectl, >>> Flink k8s operator throws an exception described in [1]. In fact the state >>> of that Flink deployment requires few steps to clean it up after that >>> patch. >>> >>> >>> [1] >>> >>> >>