Hi community,
I have a use case where I would like to add an extra TM) to a running Flink
session cluster that has Flink jobs deployed. Session cluster creation, job
submission and cluster patching is done using flink k8s operator Java API.
The Details of this are presented here [1]

I would like to ask, what is a recommended path to add a TM to existing
Session Cluster that currently runs number of Flink jobs using Java API.
For simplicity lets assume that I dont want to resume jobs from a
savepoint, just redeploy them.

When executing steps from [1] I'm facing an issue where Session jobs are
not redeployed on patched Session cluster however kubectl shows that there
is FlinkSessionJob subbmited to the k8s.

Additionally when I'm trying to delete FlinkSessionJob from kubectl, Flink
k8s operator throws an exception described in [1]. In fact the state of
that Flink deployment requires few steps to clean it up after that patch.


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