Just want to broth this up in case it was missed in the other
messages/queries :)

How to add TM to Flink Session cluster via Java K8s client if Session
Cluster has running jobs?


pt., 25 sie 2023 o 23:48 Krzysztof Chmielewski <
krzysiek.chmielew...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Hi community,
> I have a use case where I would like to add an extra TM) to a running
> Flink session cluster that has Flink jobs deployed. Session cluster
> creation, job submission and cluster patching is done using flink k8s
> operator Java API. The Details of this are presented here [1]
> I would like to ask, what is a recommended path to add a TM to existing
> Session Cluster that currently runs number of Flink jobs using Java API.
> For simplicity lets assume that I dont want to resume jobs from a
> savepoint, just redeploy them.
> When executing steps from [1] I'm facing an issue where Session jobs are
> not redeployed on patched Session cluster however kubectl shows that there
> is FlinkSessionJob subbmited to the k8s.
> Additionally when I'm trying to delete FlinkSessionJob from kubectl, Flink
> k8s operator throws an exception described in [1]. In fact the state of
> that Flink deployment requires few steps to clean it up after that patch.
> [1]
> https://github.com/kristoffSC/FlinkK8sControllerPoC/blob/ExceptionInOperator-clusterRestart/doc/K8sException_1.MD

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