Yes, shrinking the requested memory will result in OOM. We do this because the 
user-created job provides an initial value (for example, 2 cpus and 4096MB of 
memory for TaskManager). In most cases, the user will not change this value 
unless the task fails or there is an exception such as data delay. This results 
in a waste of memory for most simple ETL tasks. These isolated situations may 
not apply to more Flink users. We can adjust Kubernetes instead of Flink to 
solve the resource waste problem.
Just adjusting the CPU value might be a more robust choice, and there are 
probably some scenarios for both decreasing the CPU request and increasing the 
CPU limit


On 09/1/2021 19:39,Yang Wang<> wrote:
Hi Lz,

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

I have to admin that I prefer the limit factor to set the resource limit, not 
the percentage to set the resource request.
Because usually the resource request is configured or calculated by Flink, and 
it indicates user required resources.
It has the same semantic for all deployments(e.g. Yarn, K8s). Especially for 
the memory resource, giving a discount
for the resource request may cause OOM.
BTW, I am wondering why the users do not allocate fewer resources if they do 
not need.

@Denis Cosmin NUTIU I really appreciate for that you want to work on this 
feature. Let's first to reach a consensus
about the implementation. And then opening a PR is welcome.


spoon_lz <> 于2021年9月1日周三 下午4:36写道:

I have some other ideas for kubernetes resource Settings, as described by 
WangYang in [flink-15648], which increase the CPU limit by a certain percentage 
to provide more computational performance for jobs. Should we consider the 
alternative of shrinking the request to start more jobs, which would improve 
cluster resource utilization? For example, for some low-traffic tasks, we can 
even set the CPU request to 0 in extreme cases. Both limit enlargement and 
Request shrinkage may be required

On 09/1/2021 16:06,Denis Cosmin NUTIU<> wrote: 
Hi Yang,

I have limited Flink internals knowledge, but I can try to implement 
FLINK-15648 and open up a PR on GitHub or send the patch via email. How does 
that sound?
I'll sign the ICLA and switch to my personal address.


On Wed, 2021-09-01 at 13:48 +0800, Yang Wang wrote:
Great. If no one wants to work on this ticket FLINK-15648, I will try to get 
this done in the next major release cycle(1.15).


Denis Cosmin NUTIU <> 于2021年8月31日周二 下午4:59写道:

Hi everyone,

Thanks for getting back to me! 

>  I think it would be nice if the task manager pods get their values from the 
> configuration file only if the pod templates don’t specify any resources. 
> That was the goal of supporting pod templates, right? Allowing more custom 
> scenarios without letting the configuration options get bloated.

I think that's correct. In the current behavior Flink will override the 
resources settings "The memory and cpu resources(including requests and limits) 
will be overwritten by Flink configuration options. All other resources(e.g. 
ephemeral-storage) will be retained.'[1]. After reading the comments from 
FLINK-15648[2], I'm not sure that it can be done in a clean manner with pod 

> I think it is a good improvement to support different resource requests and 
> limits. And it is very useful especially for the CPU resource since it 
> heavily depends on the upstream workloads.

I agree with you! I have limited knowledge of Flink internals but the 
kubernetes.jobmanager.limit-factor and kubernetes.taskmanager.limit-factor 
seems to be the right way to do it.

[1] Native Kubernetes | Apache Flink
[2] [FLINK-15648] Support to configure limit for CPU and memory requirement - 

From: Yang Wang <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 6:04 AM
To: Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <>
Cc: Denis Cosmin NUTIU <>; 
<>; <>
Subject: Re: Deploying Flink on Kubernetes with fractional CPU and different 
limits and requests
Hi all,

I think it is a good improvement to support different resource requests and 
limits. And it is very useful 
especially for the CPU resource since it heavily depends on the upstream 

Actually, we(alibaba) have introduced some internal config options to support 
this feature. WDYT?
// The prefix of Kubernetes resource limit factor. It should not be less than 
1. The resource
// could be cpu, memory, ephemeral-storage and all other types supported by 

BTW, we already have an old ticket for this feature[1].



Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <> 于2021年8月26日周四 

I think it would be nice if the task manager pods get their values from the 
configuration file only if the pod templates don’t specify any resources. That 
was the goal of supporting pod templates, right? Allowing more custom scenarios 
without letting the configuration options get bloated.





From: Denis Cosmin NUTIU <> 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. August 2021 15:55
Subject: Re: Deploying Flink on Kubernetes with fractional CPU and different 
limits and requests


Hi Matthias,


Thanks for getting back to me and for your time!


We have some Flink jobs deployed on Kubernetes and running kubectl top pod 
gives the following result:


NAME                                                            CPU(cores)   
aa-78c8cb77d4-zlmpg                  8m           1410Mi
aa-taskmanager-2-2                   32m          1066Mi
bb-5f7b65f95c-jwb7t          7m           1445Mi
bb-taskmanager-2-2           32m          1016Mi
cc-54d967b55d-b567x       11m          514Mi
cc-taskmanager-4-1        11m          496Mi
dd-6fbc6b8666-krhlx   10m          535Mi
dd-taskmanager-2-2    12m          522Mi
xx-6845cf7986-p45lq     53m          526Mi
xx-taskmanager-5-2      11m          507Mi


During low workloads the jobs consume just about 100m CPU and during high 
workloads the CPU consumption increases to 500m-1000m. Having the ability to 
specify requests and limit separately would give us more deployment flexibility.





On Thu, 2021-08-26 at 14:22 +0200, Matthias Pohl wrote:

Hi Denis, 

I did a bit of digging: It looks like there is no way to specify them 
independently. You can find documentation about pod templates for TaskManager 
and JobManager [1]. But even there it states that for cpu and memory, the 
resource specs are overwritten by the Flink configuration. The code also 
reveals that limit and requests are set using the same value [2].


I'm going to pull Yang Wang into this thread. I'm wondering whether there is a 
reason for that or whether it makes sense to create a Jira issue introducing 
more specific configuration parameters for limit and requests.







On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:17 AM Denis Cosmin NUTIU <> 


I've developed a Flink job and I'm trying to deploy it on a Kubernetes
cluster using Flink Native.

Setting kubernetes.taskmanager.cpu=0.5 and
kubernetes.jobmanager.cpu=0.5 sets the requests and limits to 500m,
which is correct, but I'd like to set the requests and limits to
different values, something like:

    memory: "1048Mi"
    cpu: "100m"
    memory: "2096Mi"
    cpu: "1000m"

I've tried using pod templates from Flink 1.13 and manually patching
the Kubernetes deployment file, the jobmanager gets spawned with the
correct reousrce requests and limits but the taskmanagers get spawned
with the defaults:   

      cpu:     1
      memory:  1728Mi
      cpu:     1
      memory:  1728Mi

Is there any way I could set the requests/limits for the CPU/Memory to
different values when deploying Flink in Kubernetes? If not, would it
make sense to request this as a feature?

Thanks in advance! 


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