Great. If no one wants to work on this ticket FLINK-15648, I will try to
get this done in the next major release cycle(1.15).


Denis Cosmin NUTIU <> 于2021年8月31日周二 下午4:59写道:

> Hi everyone,
> Thanks for getting back to me!
> >  I think it would be nice if the task manager pods get their values from
> the configuration file only if the pod templates don’t specify any
> resources. That was the goal of supporting pod templates, right? Allowing
> more custom scenarios without letting the configuration options get bloated.
> I think that's correct. In the current behavior Flink will override the
> resources settings "The memory and cpu resources(including requests and
> limits) will be overwritten by Flink configuration options. All other
> resources(e.g. ephemeral-storage) will be retained.'[1]. After reading the
> comments from FLINK-15648[2], I'm not sure that it can be done in a clean
> manner with pod templates.
> > I think it is a good improvement to support different resource requests
> and limits. And it is very useful especially for the CPU resource since
> it heavily depends on the upstream workloads.
> I agree with you! I have limited knowledge of Flink internals but the
> kubernetes.jobmanager.limit-factor and kubernetes.taskmanager.limit-factor
> seems to be the right way to do it.
> [1] Native Kubernetes | Apache Flink
> <>
> [2] [FLINK-15648] Support to configure limit for CPU and memory
> requirement - ASF JIRA (
> <>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Yang Wang <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 31, 2021 6:04 AM
> *To:* Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <>
> *Cc:* Denis Cosmin NUTIU <>;
> <>; <>
> *Subject:* Re: Deploying Flink on Kubernetes with fractional CPU and
> different limits and requests
> Hi all,
> I think it is a good improvement to support different resource requests
> and limits. And it is very useful
> especially for the CPU resource since it heavily depends on the upstream
> workloads.
> Actually, we(alibaba) have introduced some internal config options to
> support this feature. WDYT?
> // The prefix of Kubernetes resource limit factor. It should not be less than 
> 1. The resource
> // could be cpu, memory, ephemeral-storage and all other types supported by 
> Kubernetes.
> =
>         "kubernetes.jobmanager.limit-factor.";
> public static final String 
>         "kubernetes.taskmanager.limit-factor.";
> BTW, we already have an old ticket for this feature[1].
> [1].
> Best,
> Yang
> Alexis Sarda-Espinosa <>
> 于2021年8月26日周四 下午10:04写道:
> I think it would be nice if the task manager pods get their values from
> the configuration file only if the pod templates don’t specify any
> resources. That was the goal of supporting pod templates, right? Allowing
> more custom scenarios without letting the configuration options get bloated.
> Regards,
> Alexis.
> *From:* Denis Cosmin NUTIU <>
> *Sent:* Donnerstag, 26. August 2021 15:55
> *To:*
> *Cc:*;
> *Subject:* Re: Deploying Flink on Kubernetes with fractional CPU and
> different limits and requests
> Hi Matthias,
> Thanks for getting back to me and for your time!
> We have some Flink jobs deployed on Kubernetes and running kubectl top pod
> gives the following result:
> NAME                                                            CPU(cores)   
> MEMORY(bytes)
> aa-78c8cb77d4-zlmpg                  8m           1410Mi
> aa-taskmanager-2-2                   32m          1066Mi
> bb-5f7b65f95c-jwb7t          7m           1445Mi
> bb-taskmanager-2-2           32m          1016Mi
> cc-54d967b55d-b567x       11m          514Mi
> cc-taskmanager-4-1        11m          496Mi
> dd-6fbc6b8666-krhlx   10m          535Mi
> dd-taskmanager-2-2    12m          522Mi
> xx-6845cf7986-p45lq     53m          526Mi
> xx-taskmanager-5-2      11m          507Mi
> During low workloads the jobs consume just about 100m CPU and during high
> workloads the CPU consumption increases to 500m-1000m. Having the ability
> to specify requests and limit separately would give us more deployment
> flexibility.
> Sincerely,
> Denis
> On Thu, 2021-08-26 at 14:22 +0200, Matthias Pohl wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> I did a bit of digging: It looks like there is no way to specify them
> independently. You can find documentation about pod templates for
> TaskManager and JobManager [1]. But even there it states that for cpu and
> memory, the resource specs are overwritten by the Flink configuration. The
> code also reveals that limit and requests are set using the same value [2].
> I'm going to pull Yang Wang into this thread. I'm wondering whether there
> is a reason for that or whether it makes sense to create a Jira issue
> introducing more specific configuration parameters for limit and requests.
> Best,
> Matthias
> [1]
> [2]
> On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:17 AM Denis Cosmin NUTIU <
>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've developed a Flink job and I'm trying to deploy it on a Kubernetes
> cluster using Flink Native.
> Setting kubernetes.taskmanager.cpu=0.5 and
> kubernetes.jobmanager.cpu=0.5 sets the requests and limits to 500m,
> which is correct, but I'd like to set the requests and limits to
> different values, something like:
> resources:
>   requests:
>     memory: "1048Mi"
>     cpu: "100m"
>   limits:
>     memory: "2096Mi"
>     cpu: "1000m"
> I've tried using pod templates from Flink 1.13 and manually patching
> the Kubernetes deployment file, the jobmanager gets spawned with the
> correct reousrce requests and limits but the taskmanagers get spawned
> with the defaults:
> Limits:
>       cpu:     1
>       memory:  1728Mi
>     Requests:
>       cpu:     1
>       memory:  1728Mi
> Is there any way I could set the requests/limits for the CPU/Memory to
> different values when deploying Flink in Kubernetes? If not, would it
> make sense to request this as a feature?
> Thanks in advance!
> Denis

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