Hi Matthias, Thanks for getting back to me and for your time!
We have some Flink jobs deployed on Kubernetes and running kubectl top pod gives the following result: NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes) aa-78c8cb77d4-zlmpg 8m 1410Mi aa-taskmanager-2-2 32m 1066Mi bb-5f7b65f95c-jwb7t 7m 1445Mi bb-taskmanager-2-2 32m 1016Mi cc-54d967b55d-b567x 11m 514Mi cc-taskmanager-4-1 11m 496Mi dd-6fbc6b8666-krhlx 10m 535Mi dd-taskmanager-2-2 12m 522Mi xx-6845cf7986-p45lq 53m 526Mi xx-taskmanager-5-2 11m 507Mi During low workloads the jobs consume just about 100m CPU and during high workloads the CPU consumption increases to 500m-1000m. Having the ability to specify requests and limit separately would give us more deployment flexibility. Sincerely, Denis On Thu, 2021-08-26 at 14:22 +0200, Matthias Pohl wrote: CAUTION: This email originated from outside of our organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Denis, I did a bit of digging: It looks like there is no way to specify them independently. You can find documentation about pod templates for TaskManager and JobManager [1]. But even there it states that for cpu and memory, the resource specs are overwritten by the Flink configuration. The code also reveals that limit and requests are set using the same value [2]. I'm going to pull Yang Wang into this thread. I'm wondering whether there is a reason for that or whether it makes sense to create a Jira issue introducing more specific configuration parameters for limit and requests. Best, Matthias [1] https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/deployment/resource-providers/native_kubernetes/#fields-overwritten-by-flink [2] https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/f64261c91b195ecdcd99975b51de540db89a3f48/flink-kubernetes/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/kubernetes/utils/KubernetesUtils.java#L324-L332 On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:17 AM Denis Cosmin NUTIU <dnu...@bitdefender.com<mailto:dnu...@bitdefender.com>> wrote: Hello, I've developed a Flink job and I'm trying to deploy it on a Kubernetes cluster using Flink Native. Setting kubernetes.taskmanager.cpu=0.5 and kubernetes.jobmanager.cpu=0.5 sets the requests and limits to 500m, which is correct, but I'd like to set the requests and limits to different values, something like: resources: requests: memory: "1048Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "2096Mi" cpu: "1000m" I've tried using pod templates from Flink 1.13 and manually patching the Kubernetes deployment file, the jobmanager gets spawned with the correct reousrce requests and limits but the taskmanagers get spawned with the defaults: Limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1728Mi Requests: cpu: 1 memory: 1728Mi Is there any way I could set the requests/limits for the CPU/Memory to different values when deploying Flink in Kubernetes? If not, would it make sense to request this as a feature? Thanks in advance! Denis