Hi Hequn,

I am using Flink 1.4. The job was running with  1 parallelism.

I don’t think the extra records are caused by different keys, because:

  1.  I ran 2 jobs consuming the same source, jobA with 2-minute window, and 
job with 4-minute window. If there are wired keys, then jobA will get no more 
records than jobB, for the same period. But that not true, jobA got 17 records 
while jobB got 11. Relevant results could be found below.
  2.  For each window, I output the min and max timestamp, and found that those 
extra records always start at the last few milliseconds of the 2 or 4-minte 
windows, just before window got closed. I also noticed the windows did not have 
a clear cut between minutes, as we can see in jobA’s output, ts 1531448399978 
appears in 18 result records, either as start, or end, or both.

jobA(2-minute window) output

jobB(4-minute window) output


发件人: Hequn Cheng <chenghe...@gmail.com>
发送时间: Thursday, July 12, 2018 11:31 PM
收件人: Yuan,Youjun <yuanyou...@baidu.com>
抄送: Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org>; user@flink.apache.org
主题: Re: 答复: TumblingProcessingTimeWindow emits extra results for a same window

Hi Yuan,

Haven't heard about this before. Which flink version do you use? The cause may 
1. userId not 100% identical, for example contains invisible characters.
2. The machine clock vibrated.

Otherwise,  there are some bugs we don't know.

Best, Hequn

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 8:00 PM, Yuan,Youjun 
<yuanyou...@baidu.com<mailto:yuanyou...@baidu.com>> wrote:
Hi Timo,

This problem happens 4-5 times a day on our online server, with ~15k events per 
second load, and it is using PROCESSING time. So I don’t think I can stably 
reproduce the issue on my local machine.
The user ids are actually the same, I have doubled checked that.

Now, I am wondering could it possible that, after a window fires, some last 
events came but that still fall to the time range of the just fired window, 
hence new windows are assigned, and fired later. This can explain why the extra 
records always contain only a few events (cnt is small).

To verify that, I just modified the SQL to also output the MIN timestamp of 
each windows, and I found the MIN timestamp of the extra records are always 
point to the LAST second of the window.
Here is the output I just got, note 1531395119 is the last second of a 2-minute 
window start from 1531395000.

The modified SQL:
                TUMBLE_START(rowtime, INTERVAL '2' MINUTE) AS `timestamp`,
                count(vehicleId) AS cnt, userId,
                MIN(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM rowtime)) AS min_sec
FROM source
                TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '2' MINUTE),


发件人: Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org<mailto:twal...@apache.org>>
发送时间: Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:02 PM
收件人: user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org>
主题: Re: TumblingProcessingTimeWindow emits extra results for a same window

Hi Yuan,

this sounds indeed weird. The SQL API uses regular DataStream API windows 
underneath so this problem should have come up earlier if this is problem in 
the implementation. Does this behavior reproducible on your local machine?

One thing that comes to my mind is that the "userId"s might not be 100% 
identical (same hashCode/equals method) because otherwise they would be 
properly grouped.


Am 12.07.18 um 09:35 schrieb Yuan,Youjun:
Hi community,

I have a job which counts event number every 2 minutes, with TumblingWindow in 
ProcessingTime. However, it occasionally produces extra DUPLICATED records. For 
instance, for timestamp 1531368480000 below, it emits a normal result 
(cnt=1641161), and then followed by a few more records with very small result 
(2, 3, etc).

Can anyone shed some light on the possible reason, or how to fix it?

Below are the sample output.

And here is the job SQL:
                TUMBLE_START(rowtime, INTERVAL '2' MINUTE) AS `timestamp`,
                count(vehicleId) AS cnt,
FROM source
                GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '2' MINUTE),

Youjun Yuan

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