Many thanks all,

The Load balancers are only between our own node and not as a middle-man to 
Cassandra. It’s just so we can push more data into Cassandra.
The only reason we are not using 2.1.9 is time , we haven’t had time to test 

I wasn’t able to find any best practices for number of CF, where do you see 
this documented?
I see a lot of comments on 1,000 CF’s Vs 1,000 key spaces.

Errors around a few times a second, about 10 or so.
They are constant.

Our TTL is 10 seconds on data with gc_grace_seconds set to 0 on each CF.
We don’t seem to get any OOM errors.

We never had these issue with our first run. Its only when we added another 25% 
of writes.

Many thanks for taking the time to reply Jack

From: Jack Krupansky []
Sent: 30 September 2015 16:53
Subject: Re: Consistency Issues

More than "low hundreds" (200 or 300 max, and preferably under 100) of 
tables/column families is not exactly a recommended best practice. You may be 
able to get it to work, but probably only with very heavy tuning (i.e., lots of 
time and playing with options) on your own part. IOW, no quick and easy 

The only immediate issue that pops to mind is that you are hitting a GC pause 
due to the large heap size and high volume.

How frequent are these errors occurring? Like, how much data can you load 
before the first one pops up, and are they then frequent/constant or just 

Can you test to see if you can see similar timeouts with say only 100 or 50 
tables? At least that might isolate whether the issue relates at all to the 
number of tables vs. raw data rate or GC pause.

Sometimes you can reduce/eliminate the GC pause issue by reducing the heap so 
that it is only modestly above the minimum required to avoid OOM.

-- Jack Krupansky

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Walsh, Stephen 
<<>> wrote:
More information,

I’ve just setup a NTP server to rule out any timing issues.
And I also see this in the Cassandra node log files

MessagingService-Incoming-/<>] 2015-09-30 
15:19:14,769 - UnknownColumnFamilyException 
reading from socket; closing
org.apache.cassandra.db.UnknownColumnFamilyException: Couldn't find 

Any idea what this is related too?
All these tests are run with a clean setup of Cassandra  nodes followed by a 
nodetool repair.
Before any data hits them.

From: Walsh, Stephen 
Sent: 30 September 2015 15:17
Subject: Consistency Issues

Hi there,

We are having some issues with consistency. I’ll try my best to explain.

We have an application that was able to
Write ~1000 p/s
Read ~300 p/s
Total CF created: 400
Total Keyspaces created : 80

On a 4 node Cassandra Cluster with
Version 2.1.6
Replication : 3
Consistency  (Read & Write) : LOCAL_QUORUM
Cores : 4
Ram : 15 GB
Heap Size 8GB

This was fine and worked, but was pushing our application to the max.


Next we added a load balancer (HaProxy) to our application.
So now we have 3 of our nodes talking to 4 Cassandra Nodes with a load of
Write ~1250 p/s
Read 0p/s
Total CF created: 450
Total Keyspaces created : 100

On our application we now see
Cassandra timeout during write query at consistency LOCAL_QUORUM (2 replica 
were required but only 1 acknowledged the write)
(we are using java Cassandra driver 2.1.6)

So we increased the number of Cassandra nodes
To 5, then 6  and each time got the same replication error.

So then we double the spec of every node to
8 cores
Heap size 15GB

And we still get this replication error (2 replica were required but only 1 
acknowledged the write)

We know that when we introduce HaProxy Load balancer with 3 of our nodes that 
its hits Cassandra 3 times quicker.
But we’ve now increased the Cassandra spec nearly 3 fold, and only for an extra 
250 writes p/s and it still doesn’t work.

We’re having a hard time finding out why replication is an issue with the size 
of a cluster.

We tried to get OpsCenter working to monitor the nodes, but due to the amount 
of CF’s in Cassandra the datastax-agent takes 90% of the CPU on every node.

Any suggestion / recommendation would be very welcome.

Stephen Walsh

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